Friday 15 May 2015

Baby Cards Tutorial

Happy happy Friday!
For the past few weeks our focus has been on how to create things for mom. Father’s Day is on the horizon, but that’s still about six weeks away so we are going to share with you some tutorials on and reviews about things we are currently working on. 

We were very very pleased to find out that every single one of our Mother’s Day cards sold out in a store that we keep our homemade cards in. Card sales have been quite steady there as well and the rack is looking a little bare, so we’re making new cards! 

First up are some baby cards. We came up with samples and designs a while back but now we’re actually making them. The stork card is a revamping of our old baby carriage card (Nicole found the stork stamp at a super cool store when she was in Seattle (Paper Source)). We also love the little lion and elephant stamp that we have but haven’t had a chance to use them yet, so we thought we’d make a new “tri” card (that’s a layout that we enjoy to make). 

So here are some pictures and a few guiding words if you’d like to take some time out this weekend to makes some cards. 

P.S. Happy Victoria Day to all of you Canadians like us.  :)

Tri Lion and Elephant Cards

1. I’m going to let the pictures guide you this week; I’ll chime in here and there with a few suggestions though. We usually make most of our cards 6 ¾ x 4 ¾ inches, but it’s up to you, so pick some baby colours that you like. I’ve laid out the various supplies you’ll need, but again, the colours are completely up to you; it’s your card. 

2. I’ve done pre-stamping here. Once your images and words have been stamped, glue them on to their layers. 

3. Layout what you’ve just glued together and attach them to the big layer.

4. It’s easiest to cut your ribbon too long and to trim it after it has been glued. We put the ribbon on the layer on top of the base of the card. 

5. Glue everything together have a very cute baby card.

Stork Card 

1. Once again we went with a 6 ¾ x 4 ¾ inch card.

2. Colour the stork and baby with colorus of your choice to match the card.

3. Glue the layers together.

4. Stamp and glue the larger layer to the card.

5. Glue on the ribbon. Again we made the ribbon too long and then trimmed the ends.

6. Place the stork layer in the centre and you are done. 

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