Thursday 14 May 2020

Workout Time!

Change of pace this week. I thought it might be nice to do a fitness post. I am a huge fan of getting in exercise as many days of the week as I can. Usually when I am at work, I’ll do my workout in the evening after dinner but I have been switching it up while we have all been isolating. Some days I’ll workout during the day and some days at night and sometimes even twice a day. The type of workout varies as well. Some days we’ll go on long walks or I’ll run or even jump rope. I also like to do HIIT workouts and circuit workouts as well. I thought today I would share a favourite one that I like to do and that I have been doing a lot of now. It’s easy because you can do as many rounds as you like, so take a look below and give it a try if you need a different workout to do.

Jump Rope Circuit

One round of this circuit is about 10 minutes. I like to do 3-5 rounds depending on what kind of workout I feel like I want. Basically you do each exercise in the order listed and then go back to the start for the next round.

Start by doing 2-5 minutes of warm ups. Do rounds of 10 squats, 10 lunges, and 10 jumping/plank jacks

100 jumps of the jump rope (I love to jump rope because it isn’t as hard on my knees and joints as running is, plus you can get one quite cheap and you can do it almost anywhere)

40 squats (choose your favourite. I like plies, sumos, goblets, or just regular squats)

75 jumps of the jump rope

30 mountain climbers, 60 if you count each side

50 jumps of the jump rope

20 sit ups or crunches (again choose your favourites)

25 jumps of the jump rope

10 body weight dips

10 double under jumps of the jump rope

5 push ups (choose the variations that you like best)

Now jump the rope for 1 minute.

Now do a cardio conditioning exercise for 45 seconds (you can do high knees, jumping jacks, star jumps, side to side jumps, butt kickers, plank jacks those are just a few options)

Repeat the circuit again or as many times as you want. You don’t always have to do the exact same type of squat, push up, or sit up/crunch/ab exercise each round. Switch it up. 

Once you have done your final round, jump rope as fast as you can for 30 seconds and then you are done!

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