Friday 8 July 2016

Things to do with Coconut Oil

Coconut Cove by Essie

Coconut Cove is the name of our nail polish this week and we thought that we’d explore the uses for coconut oil. Coconut oil is a multi-purpose item. You can cook with it and also use it on your body and in your body to keep it healthy. We’re going to break the blog down into three sections this week, food uses, internal uses, and topical uses.

First of all here are some types of coconut oil:

They break coconut oil down into 6 types, depending on what you use them for. There is pure, refined, virgin, organic, fractionated, and extra virgin. I read that if you plan on ingesting the oil then refined is best but if you just use topical on your skin and hair then unrefined is alright.

Internal Uses:

I’ve read that coconut oil helps with digestions, hormones, and it helps keep support your immune system. Here are some other health benefits:

It heals infections inside and out
Strengthens the immune system
Helps get rid of yeast infections
Relieves stress
Helps soothes itches
Can help with acne
Helps with cradle cap
Can help get rid of varicose veins
Aids in the relief of pancreatitis symptoms
Helps with calcium absorption
When used topically
Rub inside your nose to help with allergy symptoms
Helps improve gum and mouth health
Speeds sunburn healing
Can help arthritis symptoms
If you take internally, it may help with cold and flu symptoms.
Topical Uses:

Coconut oil is a great moisturizer that is why you will find in many makeup products, hair products, soaps, sunscreens, medicinal creams, and lotions that you may use. Here are some topical coconut oil uses...

Makeup remover
Moisturizer especially if you have dry cracked skin prone to psoriasis and eczema
Facial cleanser
Dark spot lightener
Massage on stretch marks and cellulite to help fade over time
Lip balm
Massage oil
Use as a shaving oil or for after shaving
Make a sugar or salt scrub with it
Use in a homemade diaper cream
Brush your teeth with it
Make your own deodorant with it
Rub it on your cuticles
Use it as a hair conditioner
Use it to calm down the frizz in your hair

Food Uses:


Coconut oil can also be used in all kinds of recipes. Either in a recipe of it's own, or as a substitute for butter or other oils. Here are some different food uses we have come across:

Coffee Creamer
Spiced Popcorn
Fried Chicken
Roasted Vegetables
Oat Bars
Date Bars

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