Friday 27 December 2013

Christmas Memories 2013

“On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: ten Lords a Leaping, nine Ladies Dancing, eight Maids a Milking, seven Swans a Swimming, six Geese a Laying, five Golden Rings, four Calling Birds, three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.” – Frederic Austin

Merry belated Christmas everybody! This week was Christmas and we both had fun celebrating with our families. I’ll have to admit that I was a little busy and preoccupied on Christmas day and the days leading up to it, that I didn’t get much of a chance to take photos. We’ll have to rely on Nicole to share Christmas day photos. 

Overall my Christmas was good. We had a quiet day. We got up late and opened presents slowly. I emailed friends and we all talked to family on the phone. I did my baking and cooking prep the day before; I made my traditional crème brulee and brussel sprouts. I was lucky to receive some very nice presents. I got a pair of purple Hunter boots that I have been wanting for months and months, actually I have had my eyes on them since my trip to England almost 2 years ago, as well as a very cute nightie and sparkly housecoat. For the most part, Christmas this year was like any other day... I exercised, my brother played catch with his friend, and I cleaned my room while watching reality TV, nothing too out of the ordinary. We had dinner next door at my grandparents’ house; we cooked everything here and brought it over to them as they are older now and more comfortable at home. I was happy to watch It’s a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve though, that made me happy. 


As I’m sure everyone is aware, this past Wednesday was Christmas and I just wanted to share a bit about my wonderful day with my family! Our day started with a trip to the beach. My parents go every week to run/workout and so my brother and I joined them this week (some of us did a bit more running, some a bit less). It may sound like an odd way to start off Christmas Day, but it was actually kind of fun, and the view was gorgeous.

Then we went home, put on some Christmas music and had a lovely pancake brunch. Then it was time for presents! Our dog Niki is very interested in all our presents and think there must be something in them for her…she noses them, and tries to get to whatever is inside! One of my Mom’s gifts to my Dad was having all our old, home videos put on to DVD, so after all our presents were opened we watched a few home videos, including one from Christmas 17 years ago, which was really cool. 

Next up was Christmas Dinner at my Aunt and Uncle’s house with my cousin and her husband…as well as a few more presents. In the evening, after coming back home, we played a new board game that I got for Christmas. It’s called ‘Ticket to Ride: Europe’ and it’s lots of fun!

Well, that’s the speedy version of my Christmas. I hope your Christmas was just as fantastic as mine was!


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