Friday 2 August 2013

Vegas and Cool Drinks

"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." -  Jeff Candido and Jason Hoff

I’m back! I had a fabulous time in Vegas last week with my friend Lindsey. We had some amazingly fun adventures; it was a much needed break for sure. The weather was super hot; I’ve never been in temperatures like that before, thank goodness for air conditioning! There was so much to see and do in Vegas; we saw some fantastic shows, did some shopping, and enjoyed the night life. I look forward to going back so that I can see the things we didn’t fit in and I also look forward to going back to the things that we really liked. I have a couple of pictures that I would love to share of our trip, so I'll do that now; one is of Lindsey and I on top of the "Eiffel Tower" and one is of the Vegas strip at night .

I also wanted to share some cool drink recipes inspired by my trip. When we needed to cool down in Vegas, Lindsey had some yummy green tea lemonade so I thought that I would try out a recipe. We also saw advertisements for frozen hot chocolate but we never tried it; it sounded so delicious so I thought that I would concoct my own recipe here at home.

Enjoy the pictures and the recipes!


Green Tea Lemonade:

2 tbsp. granulated sugar
1 green tea bag
1/3 cup boiling water
¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 cup cold water
Ice cubes


Add the sugar, tea bag, and boiling water together and let steep for 5 minutes then discard the bag and stir. 

Mix in the lemon juice and cold water to the steeped mixture and stir.

If it is too sour add sugar to taste. Once it is to your liking, pour over ice.

Frozen Hot Chocolate:

2 cups milk
2 cups ice cubes
5 tbsp. chocolate fudge sauce (store bought or homemade, both are fine; I make mine from scratch)
1 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tbsp. Whipping Cream plus some extra for the top


Pour milk, ice cubes, fudge sauce, whipping cream, and cocoa powder into the blender and blend until thick and icy, about 3 minutes. 

Pour the frozen hot chocolate mixture into glasses or mugs and top with Whipping Cream, fudge sauce, or any other delicious topping that you can think of!

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