Friday 30 August 2013

My Birthday

"I'm not interested in age. People who tell me their age are silly. You're as old as you feel." - Elizabeth Arden

This week was my 24th birthday! Celebrating with friends and family is always so much fun and so special. We ate lots of good food, made lots of memories, played games, and crafted!

My party had a love/hearts theme to it so we had hearts everywhere. We had a mobile hanging up of multicoloured hearts, cut out paper hearts pasted on the walls, a “curtain” of crepe paper and hearts, and all of the name cards and place mats were made by us and included coloured and cut out hearts; even my cake, which was beautifully decorated by Nicole, was in the shape of a heart.

The “special event” of my party was painting bird houses and heart magnets. All of the bird houses were very creative and beautifully painted. My friend’s three year painted the best one hands down; it was full of many different colours and very unique. 

Every second of my birthday was so much fun and so enjoyable; it’ll go down as one of my favourite birthday parties ever!


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