Thursday 20 August 2020

Cool Lemonade


Ah! It’s been two weeks again. I think the heat has gotten to me. We have had some very hot days and then it’s been busy with back to work as well. It’s important to be drinking lots of water in such heat but it is also nice to have a cool sweet drink every once in awhile as well. I’ve been loving Gerolsteiner. It’s not a sweet drink but a sparkling mineral water that has lots of magnesium in it for my sore and aching body at the end of the day. Plain, it’s kind of boring and like any bubbly water but if you add it to some juice it’s very refreshing on a hot Summer day. Try some of the combinations that I did and relax with the feet up.

I love lemonade on a hot day but it can be a little too sweet so I like to dilute it with the Gerolsteiner. If I don’t make my own I like the Simply Lemonade. I like to add different things to it. Try lemon, lime, or orange slices, sliced strawberries, and frozen or fresh mixed berries.  

I also love the Simple Raspberry Lemonade and adding Gerolsteiner to that is a delicious combination.

Try out this fresh lemonade recipe if you prefer to make your own. Adjust the sweetness accordingly.


1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice

8-10 cups of water

½ cups of sugar

In a large pot, combine the water and sugar. Stir and heat until the sugar just melts.

Remove from the heat and add the lemon juice.

Mix well and then chill.

You can serve this with lemon, lime, or orange slices as a garnish.

Thursday 6 August 2020

Nice Cream

Happy August! It’s been a hot one so far and what is better on a hot day than ice cream! Today we have a healthier option so you can have more of it! Take a look at Nicole’s nice cream that she made not too long ago on one of our hot Summer days.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Nice Cream

6 bananas, chopped and frozen
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/3 cup peanut butter (I used natural, unsalted)
1/4 cup Milk of choice (optional, for consistency)

Slice the bananas and freeze at least overnight.

Place all ingredients into a high powered blender or a food processor and blend on high until smooth. In a high power blender like a Vitamix, you may not need the milk, but will probably need it in a food processor.

If you like soft serve, you can eat right away. Otherwise scoop it into a freezer safe container and put in the freezer to harden. Depending on how long you freeze it, you may want to leave it out for a few minutes so it’s easier to scoop.

Add your favourite toppings and enjoy!

- Can easily substitute almond butter or any other nut or seed butter.
- You probably shouldn’t use a regular blender as blending the frozen banana can be really hard on the motor. If you don’t have a high power blender, use a food processor.