Thursday 22 November 2018

Really Easy Appetizers

With the holiday season approaching fast, it’s time to think about appetizers. If you’re going to a party, hosting a party, or making a big holiday dinner then you may need to make appetizers or bring them.

Appetizers don’t have to be super complicated. I’m sure there are many that are more elaborate and time consuming but we are going to look at making really easy and quick but yummy appetizers so you’re not in the kitchen all day making them.

Easy Appetizers:

1.      Toothpick Caprese Salad. Put a grape/cherry tomato on a toothpick then add on a bocconcini ball, and then piece of basil. Drizzle all of your Caprese toothpick salads with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

2.      Jalapeno Cheese Crisps - Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Cook some slices of bacon until crispy and chop and put aside. On a baking sheet place a mound of Parmesan cheese and then on top about a tbsp. of cheddar. Place a jalapeno slice and sprinkle some bacon bits on top of that. Make as many as you’d like. Cook until golden and crisp, about 12 minutes.

3.      Garlicy Dipping Oil – Whisk together ½ cup of olive oil, 4 cloves of garlic, pinch of red pepper flakes and sea salt, ground pepper, 1/3 cup of Parmesan, and a 2 tbsp. parsley. Serve with a sliced baguette.

4.      Apple Bacon Crostini – Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. On a baking sheet, place apple medium thick slices about a ½ inch apart. You can choose what type of apple you like (some may like the sweeter ones and some may prefer more tart ones like Granny Smiths). Top the apples first with a thin slice of sharp white cheddar cheese and then sprinkle some bacon bits on top. Bake until the cheese has partially melted about 7-9 minutes. Drizzle with maple syrup and sprinkle ground pepper on top before serving.

5.      Bacon Brussel Sprout Skewers – Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place a metal rack inside a baking sheet. On a skewer pierce a piece of bacon then pierce a brussel sprout. Repeat two or three more times depending on how long your skewer is. Place on the baking sheet and roast for 20-25 minutes. Sprinkle with pepper before serving.

6.      Pita Chips – Take some store bought pitas, whole wheat or white and brush with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Fry in a pan until crisp and golden on both sides. Cut into triangles and serve with dip. To make it a sweet bite, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon instead of salt and pepper.

7.      Dill Dip (you can dip the pita chips in this) – Mix 1 cup of sour cream, 1 cup of mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. of dried dill weed, 2 tbsp. of dried onion. 1 tbsp. of dried parsley, 1 tsp. of garlic powder, and a pinch of salt. You can also make this with fresh dill and parsley. I’ve done it with a ¼ cup of each fresh.

8.      Baked Eggs in Portobello Mushroom Cap – Clean some Portobello mushroom caps. Rub them all on the outside with a little bit of olive oil and place a piece of  prosciutto inside them al. Crack an egg in a small bowl and slide into the mushroom cap. Sprinkle with pepper and fresh herbs of your choice. Bake for 20-30minutes at 375 degrees.

9.      Baked Wrapped Date – Slice a date lengthwise and remove the pit. Fill with goat cheese and close back up. Cut your back slices in half and wrap each date with back and secure with a toothpick. Arrange on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Turn onto the opposite side and bake for 5-8 more minutes. Keep turning and baking for 5-8 minutes until the entire thing is crispy and golden. Place on a paper towel to cool.

10.  Deviled Eggs – Hard boil 6 eggs. Once cooled, peel the eggs and slice lengthwise. Scoop out the yolks and place in a bowl. Mash the yolks with a fork until crumbled. Mix in 2 tbsp. of mayonnaise and 2tsp. of mustard. Mix and mash until you form a paste. You can add more mayonnaise if you’d like it creamier. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Pipe the filling into the egg or spoon in with a small spoon. Sprinkle with paprika and fresh herbs.

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