Friday 2 February 2018

DIY Paper Heart Wreath

Happy Groundhog Day. I guess we should’ve made a card with a cute little groundhog on it. Oh well. We are still in the Valentine mood and this week we’ve come up with a fairly easy and super cute decoration that you can spruce your house, bedroom, or classroom up with this Valentine season.

We are going to show you how to make a heart wreath. It’s a very simple craft to do. All you need is some cardboard (or a paper plate), cardstock, patterned paper (optional), glue, something heart shaped to trace (you can use a cutting device if you have one, like a Silhouette), and some string or ribbon.

If you have some sturdy cardboard, you can cut out a ring for the wreath base. Ours is a 12 inch circle on the outside and the inside circle is about 9 inches. You can also use a paper plate as your base if you have one of the more flimsy paper plates. Using the really thick ones won’t allow you to flatten it down so that you can stick the hearts on. We tried! If you want to get even more Valentiney, you can cut a heart out of cardboard as your base and you will have a heart shaped heart wreath.

Next up we cut out a variety of different coloured hearts in a variety of sizes. We used Nicole’s Silhouette and a punch, but you can also find some different sized hearts to trace yourself and then cut out. Cookie cutters are always easy and good to cut out. You can also find templates online as well.

Another thing you can do, is cut hearts out of patterned paper. We are going with a red, white, and pink theme and have found patterned paper to match with that but you can do really whatever colours you want.

The amount of hearts all depends on the size of the wreath, but also on how full you want it to look. We just picked out a bunch of paper and cut a bunch of hearts until we used some of all the paper we chose. It’s better to have too many hearts than to have not enough and then have to cut more.

Start laying out the hearts on the wreath as you cut them that will also give you a better idea of how many you need to cut. Also, it might be a good idea once you’ve laid the hearts out as you want to take a picture so you can refer back to it while you glue.

We are going to use a couple of gluing methods. Some we are going to glue down with our glue tape; they will be more of the base hearts and as we build up on that base, we’ll glue some down with the glue tape and also use a glue gun to make some of the hearts 3D.

After you’ve got all the hearts just where you want them, attach some string, fishing wire, or ribbon to the top so that you can hang your wreath up for all to see and enjoy.

Take a look for some more inspiration:

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