Friday 1 September 2017

Nova Scotia Lighthouse Card

I can’t believe that we only have a few more weeks of summer and province posts left. Summer flew by. We are focusing on Nova Scotia today and one of its most famous landmarks, Peggy’s Point Lighthouse in Peggy’s Cove. Nova Scotia is also known for its large arts scene so we are going to make a card in honour of that for this week’s post which features lighthouses!

Peggy’s Point Lighthouse:

Even though there are over 160 lighthouses in Nova Scotia, Peggy’s Point Lighthouse is one of the most recognized and photographed lighthouses of them all and in the world. It is your classic red and white lighthouse in a hexagonal shape. It is still an operational lighthouse, operated by the Coast Guard. It marks the entrance point of St. Margaret’s Bay on the eastern side. It even had a post office in it until 2009! How cool is that? You could’ve bought a postcard and wrote it in the lighthouse and sent it right away. 

The original lighthouse was built in 1868 and was made of wood and had a beacon on the roof. The current one was built in 1914 and is made of concrete and became automated in 1958. It’s had several different light colours. It started off red, then went white, then green, and now it’s red again. It’s said that the name comes from St. Margaret’s Bay because Peggy is the nickname for Margaret, but there are a couple of other stories from how the name came about. 

Card Tutorial:
We’ve made this lighthouse card as a Birthday card in past, but you can make it an any occasion card. In the past we added a cute little heart on the lighthouse, but you can keep it plain depending on who you are giving it to. 

We like to keep with the sea theme and make the card blue. We’ve chosen a primary blue card, sized at 6 ¾ x 4 ¾ inches. 

Then we cut light blue and white layers.

We cut a red and white lighthouse from Nicole’s Silhouette, but you can find a template online or use a stencil. 

I stamped and embossed the words in blue ink with clear embossing powder and heated that.
Then we glue on the larger blue layer and then the white layer on top of that and then place the lighthouse on top of that layer. After, we glued on the stamped layer.

Finally to finish off the card, we glued a thicker red strip of red ribbon near the layers and a thinner red strip of ribbon next to that near the edge of the card. 

 And now you have a lighthouse card!

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