Friday 29 September 2017

DIY Thanksgiving Placemats

Thanksgiving is on its way and we’re going to do a post today about getting your table ready. We’ve done napkin ring holders, place cards, and how to set the table before, so we’re going to create some place mats with a Fall – Thanksgiving theme. 

These are really easy to make and the kids can get involved. You can make them as creative as you want to or as simple as you want to. I have made them before for birthdays (one was a circus theme and one was a tea party). 

For our placemats we bought a pad of newsprint from the dollar store. They are quite thin, so you can get a thicker type of paper if you prefer and in the colour of your choosing. Our paper measures 11x15 inches which is a good size for a placemat; that way you can fit the dishes and cutlery all on it.
We created two different ones with different techniques.

 Nicole made one using cut out cardstock shapes. She used her silhouette and made a “Give Thanks” pie. She cut an orange pie top, a tan coloured crust, and rusty coloured hearts for the top of the pie and corners of the placemat and glued them all on. She also printed “Give Thanks” on the crust part of the pie with her glittery brown pen. It’s very cute and sweet.

I made a very Fall earthy themed placemat. I used coloured pencils and a felt pen to outline after I traced my shapes down. First of all I traced a simple little square boarder around the edges using  stencil that I had from a craft stencilling book. Then I simply found a big maple leaf, cut it out and traced it in the centre of the placemat two times and coloured it in. 

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