Friday 16 September 2016

London Fogs

It’s so sad that our nail polish blogs have ended but we have a mini theme starting. The Royals (William and Kate and their children) will be visiting us here in Victoria starting on September 24th until October 1st. It’ll be a very exciting time here when that happens and so we thought we would do a few weeks of British blogs starting with how to make London Fogs.

I know London Fogs aren’t really British. They were first made in Vancouver B.C. when a pregnant customer who couldn’t drink coffee wanted something warm to drink. No one really knows who came up with this drink, but it is very tasty. We thought using this drink was acceptable as part of our British themed blogs because the Royal Family is coming to Victoria which is also very British and the drink has a very British name.

We made some London Fogs recently and have laid out the steps for you below, so grab a mug and some Earl Grey tea and let’s make some London Fogs!

London Fogs

Boil some hot water and steep your Earl Grey tea in a half filled mug of water for about 5 minutes.

In a saucepan, whisk your milk until it is frothy and hot. Don’t let it boil. You can do this while the tea is steeping.

Pour the milk into the half-filled mug of Earl Grey tea until it is full. 

Add vanilla (you can use syrup or extract) to taste.

If you prefer it to be a bit sweeter, add some sugar.


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