Friday 26 August 2016

Glute Exercises

Loot the Booty by Essie
The blog post has been left up to me this week because we are going to take inspiration from Loot the Booty by Essie and do a glute workout blog post! I do enjoy exercising at least 3 days a week, usually 5 days if I have time and I enjoy finding new workouts and working specific body parts. I like to tone things up and build muscle when I can and the glute area is one of my favorite parts to tone up and keep looking firm and fabulous!

Here are some exercises that I like to do when I’m focusing on working out the glutes.

Glute Exercises:

Squats are the best exercises when working your glutes out. You can do bodyweight squats or squats with weights. There are many squat variations as well. You can try split squats, side squats, a one legged squat, pulsed squats, plie squat, wide squats, goblet squats, or Bulgarian split squats.

Take a look at these squat variations...

Step Ups are really easy to do and are a good cardio workout for your butt. To do step ups at home, just find a coffee table or chair and alternate legs as you step up. Do three sets of 15 reps and add weights for an extra challenge.
 Bridges work your abs and butt all at the same time. You don’t need any equipment to bridges just lie down on your back on the floor hands at your side and feet shoulder width apart. Lift your hips off the floor while keeping your back straight and then go back to starting position except don’t let your butt touch the ground. Perform 20 reps.

Fire Hydrants can be done by kneeling on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders. With your leg still bent at the knee, raise your leg out to the side so that it is at a 90 degree angle and then slowly lower the leg back down. Repeat 12 times and for three sets.

Leg Lifts can be done by kneeling on all fours but extending on leg fully out. While one leg is in the kneeling position, lift the extended leg up while squeezing your glutes tight when you get to the top. Make sure your toe doesn’t touch the ground as you lift, you don’t want to give those glutes a rest. Repeat 12 times for three sets and then switch legs. You can do this standing up as well; these are called kickbacks and you stand on one leg while the other leg gets extended behind you.

Donkey Kicks again will happen when you are in the kneeling position. Keep one leg on the ground while pulsing the other leg up in the air. The bottom of your foot should be flat and facing up as you pulse the leg up. You should also do 12 reps of these three times.

Squat Jumps are good cardio and they will make your glutes burn! Squat down as you usually would but jump up instead. Go back to the starting position and repeat 12 times. Choose your set number based on energy and how difficult you find these to be; try and aim for three sets if you can.

Lunges also have many variations. You can do walking lunges (what they sounds like, lunging while moving forward or even on the treadmill), backwards and forwards lunges (so when you start with your feet together either lunge with one leg forward or backward), side lunges (lunge to the side from the start position), or pulsating lunges (lunge forward with one leg and pulse for 12 reps then switch to the other leg repeat and complete 3 sets). All are awesome, but for an extra challenge add weights.

Here are some to take a look at...

Here some other links to some good glute workouts.

The XHIT channel on YouTube has some really great glute works and great workouts overall so check them out.

Friday 19 August 2016

Texting Facts

Tribal Text-styles by Essie

We are getting close to the end of our nail polish colours which means we are getting close to the end of summer :( .There are still a few more colours on the way though.

This week’s colour is quite neat looking; it's called Tribal Text-styles and it's by Essie. It is a shimmery black with specs of gold and green and purple. It’s very sparkly and a colour that would be cool to try out with the right outfit and shoes to show off my toes!

We’ve decided to focus this blog on the text part of the nail polish name. We have a few interesting facts about the history of texting but our main focus is on what we find very interesting, the Chinese Number Texting Codes.

The first text message, “Merry Christmas” was sent by Neil Papworth in 1992. Since then, the U.S. alone sends more than 152.7 billion text messages per month.

The most text messages sent in a month was by Fred Lindgren; he sent 566607 messages.

A British surgeon performed a lifesaving operation in the Congo by following text message instructions from a colleague.

Peak hours for texting are between 10:30pm and 11pm at night.

Chinese Number Texting Codes

Ok, so this is very cool. The Chinese use numbers a lot when they send text messages; the numbers represent phrases or words, so instead of typing all the words, they can just send numbers. We have found a list of some of them for you to take a look at and Nicole and I have done a tutorial of how to have a conversation using this number code.

Number Codes and Meanings (here are some popular ones, but there are lots more that you can look up and find):
4242 - Yes or Affirmative or It is
520 - I love you

 94 - So, but etc.
886 - Bye bye
995 - Help, Save me

770880 – XOXO
526 –I’m hungry
360 –I miss you

58 – Good night
1314 – For ever

7451 or 7456 - I’m angry

555 - Crying

Our Conversation:

Here is a picture of a conversation that Nicole and I tried out with these number codes. Can you tell what we said to each other?

Check out this blog post which gives you a better understanding of how these number codes are created.

See, I told you it was a very interesting blog post and now maybe you have learned a new way to communicate with your friends and family members!

886 (Bye Bye)

Friday 12 August 2016

Flip Flops!

Flip Flops and Crops Tops by OPI

Types of Flip Flops

I used to wear flip flops all of the time and had a bunch in my collection. I personally can’t wear them anymore because of my sore feet but I still like to see all the different kinds there are out there. They can be a pretty handy thing to have. You can wear them to the beach, to the pool, when you go and get a pedicure, you can wear them with a casual outfit or dress them up. They are easy to pack and put in your purse so if you have a big night out planned and you can’t stand your heels any longer, you can pull out your flip flops to wear and give your feet a rest. The only advice I have is, don’t wear them when you have a long walked planned, they can give you blisters and make your feet very sore.

They are perfect to throw on quickly with a pair of shorts or simple sun dress on those hot summer days or while you’re relaxing on vacation. 

For the beach: 

They are easy to throw on with your bathing suit when you hit the beach and easy to kick off when you want to splash in the water or run your toes through the sand. Wear your fun basic flip flops when you head to the beach.

Flip Flop Slippers: 
There are even fluffy soft flip flop slippers out there!

Sporty Flip Flops: 
Since they are so easy to put on and to take off, they are good for if you are taking part in athletics, not to wear when you are playing sports, but after sports or when you are hanging around the pool.

Dress them up: 
There are some pretty fancy flip flops out there that have some better support for your feet. When you want to dress up and go out but don’t want to wear heels the whole time or at all, flip flops might be a nice idea.

Some brides opt for flips flops for part or even all of their big day.

DIY Flip Flops

If you're having trouble finding a pair of flip flops that you like, or that match your outfit, there's always the option of decorating your own! Just take a pair of old flip flops and give them a new life, or you can buy a cheap pair and fancy them up however it suits you. Here's a few websites that have some neat DIY flip flop ideas. 

These ones would be neat to do with your kids. They're both from the same blog, "About a Mom."

These two have lots of ideas, with lots of pictures (and not many words)
If these don't have what you're looking for, then why not use them as a starting point, and use the ideas as inspiration to create your own DIY flip flops.

Happy Crafting!