Friday 19 August 2016

Texting Facts

Tribal Text-styles by Essie

We are getting close to the end of our nail polish colours which means we are getting close to the end of summer :( .There are still a few more colours on the way though.

This week’s colour is quite neat looking; it's called Tribal Text-styles and it's by Essie. It is a shimmery black with specs of gold and green and purple. It’s very sparkly and a colour that would be cool to try out with the right outfit and shoes to show off my toes!

We’ve decided to focus this blog on the text part of the nail polish name. We have a few interesting facts about the history of texting but our main focus is on what we find very interesting, the Chinese Number Texting Codes.

The first text message, “Merry Christmas” was sent by Neil Papworth in 1992. Since then, the U.S. alone sends more than 152.7 billion text messages per month.

The most text messages sent in a month was by Fred Lindgren; he sent 566607 messages.

A British surgeon performed a lifesaving operation in the Congo by following text message instructions from a colleague.

Peak hours for texting are between 10:30pm and 11pm at night.

Chinese Number Texting Codes

Ok, so this is very cool. The Chinese use numbers a lot when they send text messages; the numbers represent phrases or words, so instead of typing all the words, they can just send numbers. We have found a list of some of them for you to take a look at and Nicole and I have done a tutorial of how to have a conversation using this number code.

Number Codes and Meanings (here are some popular ones, but there are lots more that you can look up and find):
4242 - Yes or Affirmative or It is
520 - I love you

 94 - So, but etc.
886 - Bye bye
995 - Help, Save me

770880 – XOXO
526 –I’m hungry
360 –I miss you

58 – Good night
1314 – For ever

7451 or 7456 - I’m angry

555 - Crying

Our Conversation:

Here is a picture of a conversation that Nicole and I tried out with these number codes. Can you tell what we said to each other?

Check out this blog post which gives you a better understanding of how these number codes are created.

See, I told you it was a very interesting blog post and now maybe you have learned a new way to communicate with your friends and family members!

886 (Bye Bye)

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