Friday 19 February 2016

Wedding Thank You

So funny! I literally laughed out loud. Let's hope Nicole doesn't go with this template.

Thank you cards are a big important of a wedding, at least I think so. So many people help out and so many people want to give you gifts, that I find it very important to say “thank you” to them in some way, and cards are the perfect way. You may be able to say a quick thank you at the wedding or at the shower, but sending card is more personal and it shows that you have taken time to show your appreciation.

Nicole is ahead of the game on this, which I think is awesome, and she is making her thank you cards now so she won’t have to do that later on. We have a step by step run through showing how to make these very simple thank you cards. I think it is s good idea to make a bunch and if you have leftovers, just use them for other occasions that you would say thank you (we’ll probably use some of Nicole’s leftovers, if she has any, to put in crafts fairs or the stores or on Etsy). We have made cards similar to these once before and liked the simplicity of this design so we used her wedding colours to create her own personal thank you card that best fits in with her purple theme wedding. Enjoy this and hopefully you’ll get some ideas when it comes to making your wedding thank you cards.

Step One:

Gather up the materials that you need. Choose some ribbon, three colours of cardstock, a thank you stamp that you like, and your creating supplies like scissors, glue tape, ink, embossing powder, and heat gun.

Step Two:

Choose a size for your thank you cards that you would like. We keep ours smaller than our regular greeting cards about 4 1/4 x 6 inches.

Step Three:

Cut your other layers. Our card is grey and we have picked white as the layer on top; this layer is a bit larger and covers most of the grey card but you can make this layer however big you’d like, it all depends on how much of the card colour that you want to show. The smaller layer that we stamped on (ours is purple) depends on the size and shape of the stamp that you use. 

Step Four:

Now it is time to stamp! Pick your ink colour, we went with purple of course, and then stamp, emboss, and heat. Don’t forget to press your stamped layer under some heavy books to get the heat crinkles out. 

Step Five:

Once you’ve done the stamping and have let that layer flatten, you can glue all of the layers together.

Step Six:

Sit back and take a look at the finished product and then make like 80 or so more of them, haha!

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