Friday 16 January 2015

Under Construction

“The road to success is always under construction.” -  Lily Tomlin

A few weeks back we talked about New Year’s resolutions. I had mentioned a few things that we planned on doing this year with our card/crafting business and now that we are starting to slowly settle in to the new year, we can start making those goals a reality.

First up is our blog. My goal over the next few weeks is to give our blog a face lift. I’m hoping to come up with a new layout and colour scheme that is fresh so that we can share a bunch more of our crafty ideas with you. I have been looking through different templates and colours and am having great difficulty deciding. There are so many options but which one is the best for our blog and which one is most appealing and eye catching for others to look at? So many options and decisions to make so it is safe to say that our blog is going to be looking a little under construction for the weeks ahead until I can get the prefect combination for our blog put together.

A few things that we are hoping to incorporate into our new blog this year are tutorials, new card ideas, and product reviews on different crafty items or items that relate to what we crafty girls are passionate about!

Have a happy week.



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