Thursday 6 November 2014


“Happiness is good health and a bad memory.” – Ingrid Bergman
Oh dear, the other day I had an amazing idea for a blog post and I totally forgot it. I was getting ready in the morning and an idea popped into my head and before I had the chance to write it disappeared and hasn’t come back to me since. I’m determined to remember it and blog about it next week, so we’ll see.
This week in honour of my bad memory, I’ve decided to find ways to improve memory.
I found a pretty good website that gives some tips on how to improve your memory, so here is some helpful advice that I’ll give a try plus the link to the website that goes into further detail things that you can do to improve your memory. 

Don’t skimp on exercise or sleep

  •         when you exercise the body, it exercises your brain

  •          when you’re sleep deprived, your brain can’t function, so get lots of rest

Make time for friends and fun

  •          boost your memory by having healthy relationships
  •          laughter is good for the brain
Keep stress in check

  •          don’t stress, meditate instead
Eat a brain boosting diet
  •          omega 3s, keeping calories low, limiting saturated fats, eating more fruits and veggies, green tea, eating complex carbs, and drinking red wine (in moderation of course) all help with brain memory
Have a brain workout
  •          when choosing a brain exercise, make sure it’s new, challenging, and fun
  •          try mnemonic devices

Here are some links to brain game websites that are fun and challenging.

And last but not least, a link to the Discovery Channel’s “10 Ways to Improve Your Brain” article.

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