Thursday 13 November 2014

Rose Oil Salve and Moisturizers

“Healthy, hydrated cells are the key to ageless skin and a healthy body.” – Dr. Howard Murad

So the brain games worked! I finally remembered my amazing blog idea which I will start next week as Christmas gets closer. 

Today we’ll take a look at that rose oil salve that I mentioned a few weeks ago and some other good moisturizers to combat the winter dryness. The cold weather has begun here and with that comes very dry and chapped skin/lips. My skin tends to dry out very quickly once the cold weather begins. I was told by a dermatologist that if you have mild to moderate dryness use a lotion, moderate to severe dryness use a cream, and if you have severe and sensitive skin use an ointment for relief. 

 I have a pretty good moisturizing routine going, haha. If you’re looking for a good face moisturizer, try Ponds Dry Skin Cream; I use this every morning. I’m old school. I use Vaseline on my lips to prevent chapping, a little under my moisturizer and foundation to prevent facial dryness during the day, and I also put it on my feet and hands (especially around the cuticles) at night. I use Aveeno’s Daily Moisturizing Lotion as my body lotion. I’m a big fan of Aveeno since it’s mild and good for my sensitive skin. After my showers in the winter, I always put on baby oil while I’m still damp; this works amazingly to lock in moisture and then once it’s absorbed, I rub on some lotion. I’ve noticed that at night time I need to use an ointment on my face because it dries out fast; some tend to be a bit oily but it’s better than having red, bumpy, dry skin in the morning. 

One more thing...remember to exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate! This is the first way to combat dryness all over.

Here are a few more good lotions, creams, and ointments to give a try this winter.

If you are adventurous here is the recipe for the Rose Oil Salve that I am going to try with my newly made rose oil. The oil turned out just right after four weeks of sitting. It has a mild rose smell and I can’t wait to give it try in this recipe!

Rose Petal Salve
Measure all of the ingredients by weight on a small, inexpensive scale, but for salves, you can also measure the oil in a glass measuring cup with ounce markings until total oil reaches 3 1/2 ounces. Next, add your beeswax until it pushes the oil up to 4 ounces.

Add the oil and beeswax pastilles into a heat proof container. Set it down into a pan containing several inches of water. Gently bring the temperature up to medium-lowish heat and let the container stay in the makeshift double boiler until the wax is melted. 

Pour into the containers you’ve chosen and you’re done!

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