Friday 17 October 2014

Montgomery Clift and Rita Hayworth

“I had never worked with any actor like him; to watch him was incredible and memorable. He had a talent and a side to our profession I had never seen before, just superb.” – Donna Reed on Montgomery Clift

We all know that I am a big fan of movies especially classic movies. A couple of reasons why I love the old films so much are Montgomery Clift and Rita Hayworth; today happens to be both of their birthdays, so I thought I would pay tribute to both in this blog. They were amazing actors who were very versatile and acted in many of my favorite films. Both of them played characters that were diverse and were in films that had so many important themes and that could make you feel a range of emotions. 

Montgomery Clift for the most part was in very dramatic films and always seemed to play the part of the sensitive hero or victim. Every time I watch his films (I’ve seen them all) I always feel for him; he was the type of actor that really allowed you to connect to his characters and I think that is why I am such a big fan. I have always been fascinated with his life away from the screen especially after his accident; he had such an epically tragic life. In my journalism class at university I even wrote an article about him and the release of a new book on his life and acting career/style; that’s how important I feel he is to film. 

My Top 5 Montgomery Films:

A Place in the Sun (My absolute favorite which also stars Elizabeth Taylor)

The Search (Sweet and very uplifting; it’s a close second for being my favourite)
Wild River (Recently released on Blu-ray)
From Here to Eternity (A classic with an all-star cast that includes Frank Sinatra and Burt Lancaster) 

The Misfits (Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe’s final films)
 Check Out These Books About Montgomery Clift:

The Passion of Montgomery Clift by Amy Lawrence 

Montgomery Clift: A Biography by Patricia Bosworth

Monty: A Biography of Montgomery Clift by Robert Laguardia

Just as important and iconic is Rita Hayworth. Her movies and life have had such a big impact on my love of film. She was beautiful and so talented. Rita Hayworth was able to be comedic at times and also serious in films and was a beautiful dancer. I read that Fred Astaire said that she was his favorite partner to dance with; I also read that she was one of only six actresses that danced with both Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. I sometimes get mesmerized with her soft and delicate voice when I’m watching her movies. Like with Montgomery Clift, I found Rita Hayworth’s life outside of film so fascinating and have read countless articles and books about her life and how that affected her films and character portrayals; she was married to a Prince!
My Top 5 Rita Hayworth Films:
Cover Girl (The first Rita Hayworth movie that I ever watched. The song “Sure Thing” has to top my list of favorite songs)
Pal Joey (I’ve seen this film so many times; there’s just something about it that makes me want to watch it over and over again)
You Were Never Lovelier (It features one of my favorite song and dance numbers by Rita Hayworth and Fred Astaire, “I’m Old Fashioned”)

Gilda (This is a classic film noir that I watched in many of my film classes)

Tonight and Every Night (It’s a musical with a twist and I cry every time that I watch it)
Check Out These Books About Rita Hayworth:

If This Was Happiness: A Biography of Rita Hayworth by Barbara Leaming

Being Rita Hayworth: Labor, Identity, and Hollywood Stardom by Adrienne L. Mclean

There you have it. My tribute to two of my favorite classic Hollywood actors. Thank you for letting me express my love and admiration for them. 

Have a good week!


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