Friday 30 August 2013

My Birthday

"I'm not interested in age. People who tell me their age are silly. You're as old as you feel." - Elizabeth Arden

This week was my 24th birthday! Celebrating with friends and family is always so much fun and so special. We ate lots of good food, made lots of memories, played games, and crafted!

My party had a love/hearts theme to it so we had hearts everywhere. We had a mobile hanging up of multicoloured hearts, cut out paper hearts pasted on the walls, a “curtain” of crepe paper and hearts, and all of the name cards and place mats were made by us and included coloured and cut out hearts; even my cake, which was beautifully decorated by Nicole, was in the shape of a heart.

The “special event” of my party was painting bird houses and heart magnets. All of the bird houses were very creative and beautifully painted. My friend’s three year painted the best one hands down; it was full of many different colours and very unique. 

Every second of my birthday was so much fun and so enjoyable; it’ll go down as one of my favourite birthday parties ever!


Friday 23 August 2013


“You sunk my battleship!” 
My birthday is less than a week away and one thing that is a birthday party tradition for me is games. This year will be no different; I will have a large selection of games to play at my birthday party and I'm counting on having lots of fun and laughs while playing them like always. 

Ever since we were little, Nicole and I have always played games. When we got together to hang out we would play games and do crafts, those were our favourite things to do and still are. We even have a "Hoorah" at the end of the work week and we end the week by playing a game. When we were younger we played more board games like Trivial Pursuit, Clue, and Payday, but as we've gotten older we've gravitated more towards cards games like Quiddler, Phase 10, and Set. 

At my birthday parties and at Nicole's games nights when there are more people, we really have a blast playing team games like Apple to Apples, 'THE' Game, Cranium, Scattergories, Taboo, Beezer Wizzer, Outburst, and Pictionary; you can always expect to laugh when playing those games!

I'm looking forward to playing Settlers of Catan this year at my birthday. Nicole has had lots of experience playing Settlers because it is a favourite of her and her family, but I'm a little less experienced so I look forward to learning about and playing a new game this birthday!

There are so many different types of games that we enjoy playing so we decided to list a few more of our favourites for you to try out!

Happy gaming,


Some More of Our Favourite Games

In no particular order...

Scene It DVD Trivia Games
I Love Lucy Trivia
Five Crowns
Crazy Eight Countdown
Dutch Blitz
Scotland Yard
Buzz Word

Friday 16 August 2013


“Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.” – Steven Wright

This week I’m going to keep things short and sweet. 

One thing that Nicole and I enjoy doing after a long day of crafting is going for a walk either at the University or down by the water at Dallas Road and Ogden Point. We have some really relaxing and beautiful places to go for walks here in Victoria. Walking is a great way to decompress after a long day and it’s a great way to include some exercise into our day because crafting requires us to sit in one place for the most part.

Nicole has taken some pictures during our most recent walk so we thought that we would post those up this week!
