Thursday 4 February 2021

Penguin Heart Card

Welcome to February. I can’t believe we are here already.

Today we are going to take a look at a card that I recently made and go through the steps so that you can make it as well.

I have a special someone who loves penguins just as much as I do so for their birthday a little while ago, I made a super penguin card. Here’s how to make one (go ahead and make it with whatever creatures that you love most).

I bought a Winter penguin stamping pack on boxing day one year. It was on sale at the craft store and I thought for sure I could use them at some point.

When picking out a card backing I went with a nice Wintery blueish grey. I just folded the paper in half as I wanted a bigger card because I was working with quite a few stamps.

Then I cut a white layer that was just slightly smaller than the card front. It had to be big enough so that I could lay out five penguins in a row.

Next I took all of my penguin stamps and I laid them out on the from of the card all in a row. I tried to position them to make them all first perfectly but I also wanted them to “blend” nicely and look all well matched on the front of the card.

Now comes the more tedious step…you have to stamp each penguin onto the front of the card making sure each one is perfect otherwise you’ll have to start all over again. Make sure you have enough ink on the stamp so that everything stamps clearly. I started with the two end penguins, then did the middle, and then finally did the two on either sides of the middle penguin. I was able to stamp two penguins at a time and then embossed them. The ink didn’t dry that fast.

Colouring is the next part. I decided to stamp and emboss a few of each penguin and tried out some different colour combos on them. Then I went for it on the card.

After that, I stamped the words. I wanted to keep it simple so I found a “HAPPPY” stamp, very plain, and stamped it on a grey 3 ½ inch x 1 ½ inch layer. Then I added … and wrote the rest on the inside. I glued this layer on roughly the center of the white layer.

Then I added hearts. I love penguins and hearts and they must be included together on a card. I went with your typical red hearts and then also added some blue to compliment the blue card. I scattered them around the white space on the main layer.

Lastly I glued the white layer onto the front of the card and then I was done!

Now you have a cute penguin heart card that I just realized that you can use as a cute Valentine’s card as well which is only a few days away.

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