Thursday 21 January 2021

Colours of the Year 2021


Welcome to 2021. Hopefully this year will be better than last. It’s starting off good because this year, Pantone released two colours of the year! They are Ultimate Grey and Illuminating.

So let’s just jump right into it and talk about these colours. Ultimate Gray and Illuminating are two independent colours that can stand on their own but “highlight how different elements come together to support one another” states the Pantone website. Based on our previous year, Pantone have nailed this colour combo. It practically sums up the entire year as so many elements and people have had to come together to support each other and help each other navigate this very uncertain year.

Grey is that practical, dependable, and stable solid colour. At times it may feel cold and industrial, but some shades of grey are very warming and comforting. I know I have many things in shades of grey and have chosen many grey shades that give me comfort and it allows for coziness. It’s peaceful. I’m also a fan of grey cloudy comfy Fall/Winter days so I find this colour so calming.

With Illuminating, you have a complete opposite. The brightness of it gives you so much happiness and strength, but also warmth just like Ultimate Grey. Any shade of yellow tends to make me smile and give me energy.  It stands out and is noticed. It is a friendly, hopeful, optimistic colour which contrasts the grey perfectly. Illuminating is that light at the end of the tunnel or in 2021’s case then light at the start of a brand new and fresh year.

Both of these colours work together to almost provide a sense of calm and happiness that wouldn’t have be achieved if these colours were on their own. Together they are better and stronger.

Now take a look at some of the things we found in these very relaxing, peaceful, happy colours of the year. Some things have both colours featured and some, one of the colours stood out to us. As you’ll see, grey and yellow are a very common colour combinations especially in nurseries! And they are very common in nature as well!

We have to start things off by looking at a couple of our cards that feature these colours. Even a few cards have the exact colour combination! We predicted the future, haha.

Our Cards...



Clothing and Accessories...




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