Thursday 16 April 2020

Makeup Brush Cleaning

Ok, so we’re gonna take a different turn today and do a little something out of the ordinary. Instead of baking and crafting, we’re going to do a little makeup/beauty post. We haven’t done one of these for a little while. As I have been sitting at home I have been taking pictures of things that are apart of my daily/weekly routine and one thing that I do every week is wash my makeup brushes. It might be an obvious thing to do but for some, they might need a little walk through so take a look at the step by step guide below showing how to wash your makeup brushes.

You need to wash your brushes and makeup tools every week if not every day. This will keep harmful bacteria away. You should also be changing your makeup after three months and if you are using sponges, definitely be changing them after three months time.

First things first, grab all your dirty brushes, tools, and sponges. Have a fresh towel ready to dry everything on.

Find some soap. I use baby shampoo for the brushes, alcohol wipes for tools, and Dove bar soap for the sponges.

Now lather up those brushes. You want to see the makeup come out of those brushes. Rub the bristles just like you were washing your hair.

Next I take an alcohol wipe and I wipe down my eyelash curler and rose quartz roller.

Finally I wash the sponge that I use to apply foundation. I rub the sponge on a Dove beauty bar and squeeze out all of the foundation. You want to make sure that all of the foundation colour comes out of the sponge so that when you squeeze it, you no longer see the foundation colour and just the water and soap instead.

When you are all done, you can lay everything out to dry on the fresh towel and let them all air dry overnight.

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