Thursday 14 March 2019

Cold and Pureed Soups

The soup theme continues! Spring will start next week and along with that we are getting some warmer weather finally. On these warmer Spring days it might be nice to have a simpler soup, maybe even a cold soup so we have two recipes for you. One is a creamy cold soup and one is a simple puréed butternut squash soup.

Cold soup is not something that really appeals to us. I have never tried it but this recipe sounds very intriguing, almost like it could be a dip or dressing as well. It might be nice to take with you to work as a light lunch and you don’t even need to fight your coworkers in the lunch room to warm it up!

Some different types of cold soup are...melon, roasted cherry tomato, blueberry, pineapple, carrot and ginger, mint and cucumber, zucchini basil, avocado and asparagus, cauliflower and yogurt, tomato, peach and ginger, the list goes on and on! Take a look on the Internet and see all of the combinations.

Creamy Cucumber with Yogurt and Dill

2 large cucumbers (2 ¼ pounds), halved and seeded - ½ cup finely diced, the rest coarsely chopped
1 ½ cups of plain Greek yogurt
3 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 small shallot
1 clove of garlic
1/3 cup of fresh dill
¼ cup of fresh parsley
2 tbsp. tarragon leaves
¼ cup of olive oil
½ finely chopped red onion
Salt and pepper to taste  

Combine the chopped cucumber with the yogurt, lemon juice, shallot, garlic, dill, parsley, tarragon, and olive oil. Blend until smooth. Season with salt and pepper and refrigerate overnight.

Serve with a drizzle of olive oil, some red onion, and the finely diced cucumber.

Super super easy!

Now for the puréed soup. These ones are just how they sound. They are smooth and everything is combined and packed full of flavour and are vegetable based so they are healthy for you (if you don’t add too much cream) and keep you feeling full. The best part is the toppings! Pureed soups are great with a nice topping as they are so smooth. Add on some bacon bits, croutons, quinoa, cheese, seeds, basil, you can practically add anything on top. It would be a great idea for a party. Have a simple flavourful puréed soup and then just have a table full of different toppings!

Some puréed soups include, butternut squash, carrot, split pea, cauliflower, tomato, squash and garlic, broccoli and white bean, sweet potato and curry, bell pepper and quinoa, Spring green soup, chickpea, lentil, and pumpkin just to name a few.

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

6 cups of roasted butternut squash (about 2 medium-large ones should do it)
3 tbsp. butter
½ cup diced onion
4 cups of chicken broth
1 sprig of thyme
1/3 cup maple syrup
2/3 cup of heavy cream
½ medium apple, shredded (optional)

Roast the squash in advance or you can do it the same day as you make the soup.

To roast the squash, cut in half and take out the seeds and stringy flesh. Place face down on a cookie sheet. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 60-70 minutes. After they come out, flip over and allow them to cool for a few minutes. Once cooled, scoop all of the flesh out and either set aside to allow it to cool if you’re not going to use it right away or if you’re making your soup right away, measure out 6 cups.

In a big soup pot, melt the butter.

Add in the onion until softened, but not browned.

Next mix in the butternut squash and the chicken broth and stir until well combined. If you want to use the apple, then add it in here. Also add in the thyme.

Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to simmer for 20-30 minutes.

After it has simmered with the lid off, then remove the sprig of thyme. You can do one of two things here now. You can use an immersion blender and puree the soup until smooth or you can add small batches of your soup to a blender and blend it all up until smooth and then put back into the warm pot.

Lastly add the cream and the maple syrup and stir in.

Taste it and add as much salt and pepper as you like.

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