Thursday 13 September 2018

Belgian Waffles

It’s time for breakfast. Today’s flavour is Baskin Robbins “Belgian Waffle.” This one sounds like it could be really yummy especially if it was inside a waffle cone or a waffle bowl.

Now craving waffles...we’re going to share with you a recipe for some delicious Belgian Waffles that you can whip up in no time. You can eat these waffles for breakfast or dessert even. Put a dollop of ice cream on top and you can make yourself a breakfast inspired dessert or make it hearty with bacon and sausages and eggs or fried chicken and have breakfast for dinner. No matter when you eat them, they’ll be a tasty treat to have.

Belgian Waffles:

You will need...

3 ½ cup flour
2 tbsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
4 egg yolks
3 ½ cup of milk
1 cup oil
4 egg whites

In one bowl, mix all of the dry ingredients.

In another bowl, mix the eggs yolks, oil, and milk. Whisk it up and then add it into the dry ingredients and stir.

Beat the egg whites and then fold into the batter. Do not over mix.

Prepare in your waffle maker.

Serve warm. You can keep things simple and just have butter and syrup on top or you can top with some of your favourite topping like berries, fried eggs, whipped cream, ice cream, fried chicken, fruit yogurt, or anything your heart desires!

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