Thursday 28 June 2018

Mousse/Moose Creations

It’s Moose Tracks day. I find this a very interesting name for an ice cream, it’s definitely very Canadian and it’s perfect because it’ll be Canada Day in a few days so you can make your mousse/moose treat to celebrate. The first thing came to our minds were cute little moose and chocolate mousse so we’re combining to the two to make a divine and cute treat.

We decided to make chocolate mousse in chocolate cups topped with a homemade cute little moose toppers.

To make the moose toppers, Nicole used her handy dandy Silhouette. We picked out a moose we liked and cut it out on red, brown, and white cardstock and then we glued a toothpick between two of the moose heads to make a nice little topper. (They're also great for cupcakes!) It’s super easy; take a look...

First off, you’ll want to make your chocolate edible cups so that they are properly set.

You’ll need a 6 or 12 cup muffin pan. Fill each one of the cups with water and place a popsicle stick in each cup. Freeze until completely solid. We also did some mini muffin cups as well.

We did this a few night before we made the mousse just to make sure that they set.

Right before you are ready to “make” your cups, melt the chocolate. We are melting some white and some semi-sweet chocolate so we can have a variety of cups.

Take your muffin tins out of the freezer and let them warm up for only a minute.
Now remove the ice molds from the tins and submerge in the melted chocolate of your choice. Make sure you don’t fully submerge just dip up to the top rim.

Place the molded chocolate on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Give the chocolate a minute or so to set and then they should just wiggle off of the ice and you should have a cute little chocolate cup.

***Ok, so above was how they were supposed to work, but in real life...not so much. We ended up improvising and using another technique to make the cups which worked just fine. Our ice molded perfectly but we had a problem with taking them out. The ice melted so fast that they were wet, so when we dipped them into the chocolate, they didn't stick and over time made our chocolate chunky. After trying quite a few times, we ended up with a few successful ones and then Nicole used the chocolate to coat the inside of a muffin liner and then we put them in the fridge to harden. It worked out fine in the end. Maybe you'll have more success than us so give both ways a try and see what happens.***

Now to make the mousse for the moose to go into.

You will need:

300 grams of semisweet chocolate chips
4 eggs
½ sugar
2 cups of whipped cream, more if you want to put some on top

Mix the eggs with the sugar and whip until medium peaks form, about 8 minutes. 

While whipping, melt the chocolate chips.

Whisk the chocolate into the whipped eggs and sugar. Set aside in a large bowl.

Whip the 2 cups of whipping cream. When it looks very thick, take out 1 cup and fold into the egg and chocolate mix and then whip the rest of the cream until peaks form and fold the rest into the chocolate mixture.

Now this is the part where you’ll scoop your mousse into the little chocolate cups if you make them or you can scoop it into ramekins to set as well. 

Make sure you let your mousse set for about 3 hours in the fridge before serving. You can top with just the moose toppers or add on some whipped cream and fruit if you like. 

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