Thursday 17 May 2018

Money Box Card

Grad season and wedding season are fast approaching. One card that we have never made before but thought it a cool idea to try out is a money/gift card card. Often people have asked if we made these because people want to give a card but instead of a present, put some money or gift cards in it. Nicole found some pretty good guides in how to make this type of card when she was making her Christmas cards for her family members this past year and we thought it’s be a good idea for a post and as Grad card. So take a look at the step by step instructions we have created for you below. It’s a bit more time consuming and complex than some of the cards that we have made before, but the end product is pretty neat so it’s worth the time. Also take a look at the tutorials that Nicole found for her inspiration - here and here.

Start with a 8 ½ x 10 inch sheet of paper. We chose red for our card.

With a pencil mark scoring lines at 2, 3 ½, 6 ½ and 8 inches along the 10 inch side and do the same on the opposite side. Now do the same on both the 8 ½ inch sides at 1 ½ and 7 inches.

Once the markings are down, score the paper. You can use a special scoring tool if you have one or something that is sharp but not too sharp that it will cut through the paper. We used a dull letter opener that we had. The point is to make lines to make it easier to fold your paper but you want to make sure you don’t cut your paper.

Next mark at 5 inches on both the 10 inch sides. From the 5 inch mark score lines 45 degrees to the nearest score line.

Cut and remove all four of the corners with your scissors along the score lines.

Now cut along the score lines from the new inside corner to the corner at the bottom of your triangle.

Time to fold! Now fold the corners that were just cut inwards.

Fold along all the score lines.

Now fold back the diagonal triangle score lines at the end.

This is what it looks like all folded.

Glue on any layers or do any stamping that you want at this point while things are still flat. We have chosen to use a patterned paper on the front “doors” which measure 1 ¾ x 5 ¼ inches. You can stamp on the front panels instead if you want.

You can also stamp some words on a different colour layer for the inside which would roughly measure at 2 ¾ x 5 ¼ inches. We decided to just leave ours as is but we did include a patterned decorative piece on the inside which measures at 1 ½ x 3 inches.

Now we are going to make it into a box.

Glue all of the little square flaps and fold and attach them to the side of the box card. Then press flat. Make sure all the folds are pressed down.

Finally we are making a band/belt for the outside and a grad hat to go on top.

For the band you need a 8 ½ x 1 inch strip of paper. We chose bright green and then fold it around the card like a belt, but make sure not to fold it tight around the edge because it will be hard to get it on and off once it’s stuck together. Glue the end bits. Now you should have a band/belt that should slip off and on the card and that will hold it shut.

We cut out a black grad hat with the Silhouette that we’ve used on our other grad cards before. You can cut whatever shape you want or you can stamp or punch out shapes too. This will get attached to a layer and glued onto the center top the card on top of the band.

The end result is a super cute card. It may take some time to make but you’re sure to impress whoever you give it too. 

Take a look at some of the ones that Nicole made at Christmastime for her family. 

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