Friday 2 March 2018

Oatmeal Fudge Bars

After making the very tasty and successful Texas brownies, we thought that we’d share another bar recipe that we’ve made and has been very popular to those that we serve them to. We are going to share the recipe of Oatmeal Fudge Bars with you. Bars are kind of a nice treat to bake instead of your basic cookie every once in a while. They’re quite versatile; you can cut bars to any size, make them a larger plated dessert, or you can make a lot of them and cut them up into bite size pieces if you’re having a party.

So here is the recipe for Oatmeal Fudge Bars. Warning, these are very addictive and very delicious. You can’t just have one of these. I find that they are best served cold, but you can have them warm as well. They have just the right amount of chocolatey fudge squished in-between layers of golden oats. You’ll probably have some of the oat topping that falls off when you cut these bars, make sure to save that; you can eat it on its own or you can put it on top of yogurt which is what I like to do.

For the crust and the topping you need:

1 cup of oats
1 cup of packed brown sugar
¾ cup of flour
¼ tsp. of baking powder
¼ tsp. baking soda
1/8 tsp. salt
8 tbsp. of melted butter

Mix all of the dry ingredients together in a bowl and then stir in the melted butter until it’s all combined. 

Set aside ¾ cup of the mixture for the topping and then press the rest into a lined and greased 8 inch pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 8 minutes and then let cool for about an hour. 

While the crust is cooling, you can make the fudge filling. For the filling you will need:
¼ cup flour
¼ cup of packed brown sugar
2 tsp. of instant coffee
¼ tsp. of salt
1 ½ cups of semisweet chocolate chips
2 tbsp. of butter
1 large egg

Whisk the flour, sugar, coffee, and salt in a bowl.

Melt the chocolate chips and butter together in the microwave for about 3 minutes or until it all looks melted. Make sure you stir it often. 

Let the chocolate mixture slightly cool in a larger bowl and then whisk in the egg and then stir in the flour mix.

Spread the filling over the cooled crust and sprinkle with the remaining oat mixture. Bake for 25 minutes.

Let the baked bars cool completely before you take them out of the pan and then cut up into the size bars that you want.  

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