Friday 10 November 2017

Christmas Traditions #2 - Outdoor Lights

Lights and decorations are other big Christmas traditions that people all over the world partake in. Today we are going to look at outdoor Christmas lights. 

There are some really beautiful lights displays all over the world to celebrate Christmas. Indoor Christmas lights on trees began after many years of using candles on Christmas trees. Small lanterns and glass balls began to be used to hold the candles after many years of gluing the candles to the actual trees. Electric lights were introduced in the 1880s. 

Outdoor lights, which we are focusing on today, began in 1880 during that Christmas season. Thomas Edison introduced them outside of his laboratory which was near a railway season where there were lots of people passing through. Strings of Christmas lights were introduced by Edison’s fellow inventor who he supervised, Edward Johnson, a few years later. 1890 is when strings of lights were mass produced and displayed in shop windows and on the White House. Since then, public displays especially in the US have become super popular. When they became more affordable, people bought them to decorate their homes. Lights have come such a long way since when they were first invented. People go to great lengths to decorate the outside of their homes with elaborate light displays. There are different colours, sizes, shapes, and efficiency ratings that go along with the all of these lights.

Take a look at some of the most elaborate and beautiful public light display all over the world.

Toronto – For 46 years The Toronto Calvacade of lights kicks off the Christmas season and takes place on the final week of November until the 1st of January.

Singapore – From November 20th-January 2nd  Orchard Road and Marina Bay in Singapore has its Tropic Christmas lights display up and going every year.

Paris – The City of Lights decorates all of its historic sights with beautiful light displays. The thing to see is the Christmas light decorated Eiffel Tower. 

Medellin – The Medellin River in Columbia decorates the thoroughfares, roads and parks with fairy lights.

Kobe – Italy donated thousands of hand painted bulbs after the Kobe earthquake in 1995. They were displayed and transformed into an intricate, gothic-style luminarie. Now every year from December 1-12 similar light displays take place. 

Baltimore – For 62 years “Christmas Street’s” light display has thousands of viewers going to see it. It’s just your average neighborhood street during the year, but in December all of the houses on the block are decorated in the owner’s unique style. 

Vilinus - Vilnius gets covered in colorful garlands of electric lights and the country’s largest ‘Christmas tree’ is lit up. The Old Town Christmas Market has a popular Magic Christmas display and the city’s cathedral is transformed into a colorful storyboard.

Disneyland – Disneyland gets transformed into a Winter Wonderland with shimmering icicle and sparkly twinkling lights. Many of the classic rides get a Winter Festive lighting added to them.  

So there you have it, a little history of the outdoor Christmas lights and some of the most elaborate and impressive in the world. Go check some out if you have a chance.

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