Friday 3 November 2017

Christmas Traditions #1 -Cards

Ah! So October is over already and we’re on a countdown to Christmas already. Each year we do quite a few weeks of countdown to Christmas blogs and we’ve chosen Christmas traditions this year. Each week up until Christmas we’ll look at a tradition and explore it a bit and the places in the world where they are most popular. It’s only fitting that we take a look at a tradition that we are most familiar with and that is Christmas cards!

The tradition of giving out Christmas cards is largely dominant in North America and Europe (the UK in particular). The first Christmas card was created by Sir Henry Cole in 1843. A big tradition of the time was writing Christmas letters. It’s said that Sir Henry Cole had so many letters to answer from all of his friends that he asked a friend, who was an artist, sketch out a picture that he had created in his mind on cardboard which he had a greeting printed on. He then addressed each card with a personal little note and sent them off to all of his friends and that was the first Christmas card. Of course since then the Christmas card has changed and evolved greatly. You can find so many different types of cards each and every year. Some have cute little creatures on them, some are sparkly, some have beautiful scenes, some are 3D, there are so many to pick from. You’ll also see official Christmas cards that are sent out by the White House and the Queen. Another popular thing is charity Christmas cards in which the sales benefit a specific charity. A neat little fun fact is a that Jaqueline Kennedy painted two designs for Christmas cards which benefited the Kennedy Center; Hallmark still sells those designs each year because of their popularity. 

This year we’ve designed a new Christmas card. We’ve put a modern non-traditional spin on it by using bright different colours. So take a look, and see what we've come up with!

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