Friday 3 February 2017

Heart Baskets and Hanging Heart Garland

One of my favourite holidays is coming up, yes, it’s almost Valentine’s Day and we have a few heart/love themed blog posts in store for you for the next couple of weeks. Like I said before I like Valentine’s Day because I love all things hearts and pink and I love cinnamon hearts and you can find all of those things in abundance when it’s Valentines’ Day!

For the next couple of weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day we are focusing on creating things inspired by Valentine’s Day. This week we are making a heart weave basket that you can put treats in and a hanging heart garland that you can hang for decoration. 

Heart Weave Basket

This is something that I remember making in elementary school. You’ll need two colours of cardstock. We went with red and bright pink. Then you’ll want to print this template off on the sheets of cardstock...

Cut out the templates. You’ll have two of each colour so you can make two baskets. After cutting out the large shapes fold them in half so that the lined sides are up. Cut along the lines.

Now it’s time for some weaving. Put one template under the other. We wove the red through the pink. Take the red strip and weave it through the pink strip. Then weave the red strip around the pink strip and repeat weaving through and then around. Do the opposite for the next strip and then do the same as the first for the next strip, and finally repeat the second weaving sequence for the last strip.

This is what the finished basket will look like. If you have a scrap of ribbon or cardstock, glue it to the top and it can be used as a handle. 

Hanging Heart Garland

We have a bunch of 7 inch strips leftover from making cards so we took those and made a hanging heart garland out of them. If you want to make bigger or smaller hearts, you can cut different lengths of strips.

First you need some strips and a pencil to make the hearts. If you use a skinnier tool you'll get a smaller tighter heart. Make as many hearts as you want; the more hearts, the larger the garland. To make a heart you fold a strip in half. Then roll each end into the V most of the way down. Once both side are rolled, you’ll have a curly heart.

Once the hearts are made you string them together with a needle and thread and glue them together so that they look like this...

Here is the finished garland.

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