Friday 17 June 2016

Father's Day DIY Frames

Father’s Day is on Sunday and this week we did a little tutorial on a fun homemade gift that you can give to your dad.

You can make this as elaborate and difficult as you want; we kept it simple though.

The gift we have chosen to show you how to make is a DIY painted and decorated frame for dad. It’s really simple and fun to do. You will need to grab the following things before you make your frame. 

You will want to get a wooden frame. We bought ours at the craft store. As you can see here, we have two different shapes. They had more to choose from so you can go with whatever floats your boat or what suits your dad or picture or idea best. If you’re adventurous and have lots of time, you can make your own frame from some wood that you get a hardware store. 

You’ll also want to pick out a picture and have it printed before you make your frame. A certain picture may help out figure out the theme of your frame and how you want to decorate it.

When you are at the craft store, if that’s where you choose to get your frame, you can pick out embellishments and decorative pieces that you may want to attach to the frame and you will want to pick out some paint colours as well. 

Once you are ready to start creating your homemade frame for dad you can pull out your paint brushes and sponges, decorations/embellishments, stencils, paints etc. You should also have some newspaper set up to work on so if you spill you won’t ruin your table. You’ll also want containers of water to wash your brushes in as you go along and some paper towels are always handy. Paper plates or ice cream bucket lids are a good idea to put your paint on.

It may sound silly, but before any paining begins, make sure you know what direction you want your frame to be. It’s no fun realizing half way through that you painted a frame for a horizontal picture when the picture you actually chose was a vertical one. It’s also no fun to have a beautifully painted frame and then you realize that it is upside down.

Once you figure out frame direction, just go for it. You may want to sketch some things out first if you’re a planner and have an exact idea of what you want to do in mind, or you may just want to jump in and pick out a colour and paint. Whatever your style is, have fun and take your time.

Here is what Nicole and I came up with...
You can wrap it up for your dad by making homemade wrapping paper or a homemade gift bag. Here is our tutorial from when we made homemade wrapping paper for Christmas and here is our tutorial for when we made gift bags. You’ll want to make wrap and bags according to the size of your frame and with your own Father’s Day theme. 

You can also add on a card. Some inspiration from Paperwhite Creations...


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