Friday 8 January 2016

Colour of the Year

It’s that time of the year again, yes, Pantone released the colour of the year and we are going to review it and pick out some items that best display this colour.

Both Nicole and I were looking up and waiting for Pantone to release the colour of the year at the end of 2015; it was kinda funny. I think it is a very exciting thing because it foreshadows a lot of the clothing styles and colours this year. It also hints at what will be popular shades when it comes to home décor, makeup, accessories etc. It’s also good to know for all the artists out there who want to create new creations that are popular and trending.

Compared to last year, Rose Quartz and Serenity is a lot softer and calmer; it’s actually two colours blended together which they have never had before for the colour of the year. Last year was a super deep dark burgundy wine colour that gave off a warm feeling. It’s true about how the colour of the year affects fashion and what is trendy because I saw a lot of burgundy this past year especially when it came to makeup and nail polish/lip colour.

If you take a read here at the home page of the pantone website, they give you a little more insight about the colour and how they came up with it.

I really like how they came up with the colour this year. 2015 was a year of stressfulness throughout the world and they used that to create a soothing, calm, and relaxing blended colour. As they said “Rose Quartz and Serenity demonstrate an inherent balance between a warmer embracing rose tone and the cooler tranquil blue, reflecting connection and wellness as well as a soothing sense of order and peace.”  They are using the blending of these colours in a symbolic way to demonstrate how the cultures of the world are blending together and they have the colour “serve(s) as an expression of a mood and an attitude.”

The website also provides a bunch of colour pairings that can go with Rose Quartz and Serenity, so you can use them as accent colours when putting together an outfit or when decorating a room or even when creating a greeting card!

So we hope that you enjoy our colour of the year picks and take a look at the Pantone website if you get a chance to too; they have lots of information on the current colour of the year and have a list of the past colour of the years too.


Sephora actually has a line of makeup products that are inspired by the colour of the year and its parings, so take a look at this makeup inspired by Rose Quartz and Serenity.

Jewelry and Accessories:


Home Decor:

Wedding/Entertaining :

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