Friday 2 October 2015

DIY Thanksgiving Rings

Happy October! I can’t believe it is October already and almost Thanksgiving (here in Canada, anyways). This is week two of our Thanksgiving prep posts and this week we are going to make some simple napkin rings to decorate your dinner table with.

We are savers here, so instead of throwing away our leftover cardstock scraps from the cards that we make, we keep them and use them in other crafts that we create. Today we are using some of the strips that we have left over from our cards after we trim them. We have a big container full of these strips and we have used them for other decorations (we made a Valentine’s heart chain this past year from them), so we are going to go through and find some Autumn colours and come up with some napkin rings.

 Napkin Rings How To 

Simple Thank You Napkin Ring

This one is very simple. We just used a rusty coloured strip and stamped “Thank You” in black ink on a cream circle and attached it to the strip. Always remember to size your ring to fit your napkin.

Patterned Napkin Ring

For this one we used two strips, green and purple. On the green strip we stamped a continuous pattern in gold and then we attached it on top of the purple layer.

Double Looped Napkin Rings

For these we used two colours of strips. The middle strip is shorter than the outside one. First of all make the centre ring and glue the ends; then circle the larger strip around it. So you have a little ring inside of a big ring. We made a few variations of these. You can stamp them or glue punched out things to them or you can just leave them plain. 

The finished products...

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