Friday 19 June 2015

How to Make a Homemade Coupon Book for Dad

Happy Friday to everyone out there! 

It’s almost time for Father’s Day, but we have time for one more post for a very fun and special how-to gift for dad. 

We’re going to show you how to make a coupon book for dad. I’m sure all of you remember elementary school art class around Father’s Day. I sure do, and we always seemed to be making specialized coupon books for dad. Today we’re going to guide you through a step by step tutorial in how you can create a coupon book for your dad or you can help out a youngster make one, whatever floats your boat! Enjoy.
Coupon Book Tutorial

This tutorial will simply be a guide to you. Feel free to pick out your own colours, shape of the book, stamps, coupon ideas (we have a little list below that you can use as inspiration), etc. We’ve just picked some general things to put into our book but you can make it as elaborate and colourful, and unique as you’d like. 

Gather up some supplies. You’ll need scissors, glue, ink, a pencil, a template of what shape you’d like your coupons and book to be (you can draw one or find one to trace online), cardstock, punches, embossing powder, and of course...plain paper.

Now think up some things you want dad to hold a coupon for. We came up with a few...

Back rub
Big hug
Breakfast in bed
Car wash
Dog walking
Hour of silence
Lawn mowing
Leaf raking
Movie night
Doing dishes
Taking out the trash
Picnic lunch
Uninterrupted nap
Yard work
Bake favourite cookies

Those are just a few ideas; I’m sure you all can think of more inventive and unique ones. Since we picked a tie shape, we lined up our coupon words on the computer to fit accordingly. 

Now use your template to trace around the printed words.

Cut out what you just traced.

Now we’re going to use that same shape and trace it on some cardstock and then we’ll cut that out as well. We folded a 2 inch flap on the top that will fold back and hold the booklet together. 

Once everything is cut out, we can stamp and paste. We stamped our coupons with some cute stamps that matched the purpose of the coupons and we also punched out some stars from cardstock and pasted them on as well. For the inside we just stuck with stamping and not heating it or embossing it because the plain white paper is quite thin.  

For the outside of the booklet we just stamped a simple silver “DAD” but you can decorate your tie or object of choice any way you’d like. You can use patterned paper, punches, stamps, do whatever you’d like and be creative! We used embossing powder and heated the front because the paper is thicker.

Now everything is set and ready to be put together. You can staple the booklet together if you want to, but we glued ours. We glued the tops of the inside ties together and then glued all the connected ones to the front and back of the cardstock cover. 

There you have it, your very own coupon book for dad. I hope he likes it.

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