Friday 5 December 2014

Couple's Gifts

“Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you.” – from “All I Want For Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey
 It’s actually December now and Christmas is creeping up quite quickly. We have the tree up at my house and the decorations are slowly going up. All around the neighbourhoods people have their Christmas lights on and I can see houses decorated inside. Even the weather is getting more Christmas-like out; we’ve had little bits of snow and many other places have had big bits of snow!

We have picked out our two gift giving categories for the week and the winners are...couples (I was thinking these could be gifts for couples or for couples to give each other) and our blue, silver, and white snowflake card. This Christmas card has to be one of my favourites; it’s one of my mom’s because she gets us to make it for her each year. It was one of our very first cards that we made together and over the past few years we have changed the card only slightly by using a different snowflake stamp, but that’s about it. We hope you like our elegant non-traditional Christmas card and the couples gifts we’ve chosen.
Have a good week!

I’m a jewelry fanatic and I just realized that our card is the color of the Tiffany’s blue box! These gifts may be a little out of your price range but we can dream, can’t we?

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