Thursday 3 July 2014


“Baby, you're a firework. Come on, let your colours burst. Make 'em go, “Aah, aah, aah.” You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe.” – “Firework” by Katy Perry

Happy 4th of July to all those celebrating it today and Happy Belated Canada Day to all those who celebrated it on Tuesday. 
Canada Day 2014

Edmonton's High Level Bridge and  Fireworks on Canada Day 2014
Summer usually means a lot of fun holidays in the sun and fireworks. I went and watched the fireworks on Canada Day up on a lookout, but lots of people congregated downtown to have a party and celebrate. The fireworks were amazing to look at so I decided to learn more about them, so this week I have some interesting firework facts for you all. 


Interesting firework facts:

-          The first fireworks were made in China around 2,000 years ago.

-          The first recorded fireworks in England were in 1486 at the wedding of King Henry VII.

-          Captain John Smith set off the first fireworks in the United States.

-          The largest firework in the world was set off in Japan in 1988 with the burst being over a kilometre across.

-          The longest lasting string of fireworks was 22 hours on New Years Day in Hong Kong in 1996.

-          The first fireworks were only orange and white in color but now other colors can be achieved with the use of different salts. Apparently the hardest color to create is blue.

-          The title of “Fire Master of England” goes to the person who creates the best firework display. It was created by Queen Elizabeth who loved fireworks and was fascinated by them. 

-          There was a chocolate firework measuring 3m high and 1.5m in diameter set off in Zurich on New Years Eve 2002. It contained 60kg of Swiss chocolate! Yummy. 

-          Typical firework colors are red, orange, blue yellow, green, purple, silver, and gold.

-          There are even firework competitions. The most popular one, the Montreal Fireworks festival, takes place in Montreal and is held annually. There is even a fireworks Olympics which brings together the top fireworks companies in the world; it is held in Manila annually.

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