Friday 27 September 2013

Book Series

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” – Ernest Hemingway 
Book series are always fun to read. The author draws you in with the first book in a series and then you have to read them all whether they are as good as the first one or not. It’s almost like following your favourite TV show each week; you start to develop favourite characters and story lines. 

Hands down, my absolute favourite book series is Nancy Drew. My grandma bought me my very first Nancy Drew book, The Secret of the Old Clock, and I was instantly hooked. Over the years I have collected all 56 original Nancy Drew books. I love mysteries, and Nancy Drew combines mystery with girly fun! Don’t laugh, but I still read all of my Nancy Drew books on a regular basis.

Nicole’s favourite book series is The Chronicles of Narnia. She is definitely a true Narnia fan; she has all of the books and has read them, I’m sure, over and over and over again. 

This week we are sharing with you some of our favourite book series. Enjoy them!


In no particular order of course, here our some of the series that we love reading.

Little House on the Prairie
Anne of Green Gables
Boxcar Children
The Famous Five
The Adventure Series
The Bobbsey Twins
Pippi Longstocking
Mrs. Pickerell
James Bond

Friday 20 September 2013

Children's Books

“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is best of all.” – Jacqueline Kennedy

Starting this week we are going to have a book theme to our blog posts for the next three weeks. Both of us love reading and collecting books and we have many favourites, so we are going to break down the posts into three categories, children’s books, series, and favourite novels. 

For the first week we are focusing on our favourite children’s books. Even though we are older now, we still love to pick up a children’s book every now and then to reminisce. I even go to the kids section at the bookstore and read all of the new children’s books every now and then. 

Growing up, my mom would read to my brother and me every night. We would read the then current children’s books but we would also read kid’s books that my parents read when they were little, so some of my favourites are quite old. I always loved going to my elementary school’s library to take out picture books and for story time. In no special order, here are a few of my favourites:
Make Way for Ducklings, Where the Wild Things Are, Richard Scary books, Oh, the Places You'll Go, the Madeline series, The Story About Ping, Something From Nothing, Love You Forever, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, and Sylvester and the Magic Pebble.



I too love children’s books. Growing up my mom would take me and my brother to the public library every couple of weeks and we would bring home as many picture books as the library would let us, which I think was about 60! We’d spend hours reading and pouring over the pictures. One of my very favourites is Kate’s Castle by Julie Lawson, I love the poetic nature of the story and all the wonderful illustrations. Here are a few more of my childhood favourites (in no particular order): Peter Spier’s Rain, the Amelia Bedelia books, The Berenstain Bears books, the Angelina Ballerina series, the Katie Morag series, Stephanie’s Ponytail (and other books by Robert Munsch), Mickey meets the Giant (a Disney book), Belle’s Journey. - Nicole