Friday 28 June 2013


“A new study found that a mother’s diet affects her baby’s allergies. Which can only mean one thing: My mom ate cats.”

-Jimmy Fallon 
Since we began Paperwhite Creations, our main focus has been our greeting cards and paper creations. Recently, we have decided to “branch” out and try something a little different with our line of AllergyAlert cards. 

AllergyAlert cards are customizable and are a simple and easy way for someone who has food allergies to communicate their allergies with those serving and preparing their food. I know firsthand what it is like having allergies to food. It can be difficult and even scary to dine out when you are allergic to different types of food. Whenever I eat out I always worry about all the contamination that could happen to my food and about how careful the kitchen staff is when they are preparing my food. Presenting an AllergyAlert card will give me some peace of mind when I eat out because I will know that the people preparing my food will be fully aware of my allergies and what could happen to me if they aren't cautious when cooking my food.

We have designed AllergyAlert cards to be made to order so that they can be personalized to suit the specific needs of those who order them. We have provided examples on Etsy to show the different styles that we offer as well as how we lay out the cards. Some of our cards are very cute and fun and some are plain and simple, so there's something for everyone!

On the back of the cards we provide a list of common foods that contain the allergens of the customer and a warning to restaurant staff about contamination and reading labels carefully. Cross contamination has always been a big worry of mine, so having this warning somewhere on the cards was a top priority for me.

Our hope is to get our AllergyAlert cards out there to help as many people who have food allergies as we can and to encourage allergy awareness between people with allergies and the restaurants that they dine at!


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