Tuesday 19 February 2013

Welcome and Hello

Hello everybody! Welcome to our blog and our first blog post. We are Samantha and Nicole two best friends and co-owners of a small home based business, Paperwhite Creations. Both of us grew up and still live in beautiful British Columbia. We’ve known each other since kindergarten and have been on many adventures and have gone through many experiences together. A love of crafting and creating was a big part of our lives growing up and eventually that love spilled over into our friendship as we would spend days, afternoons, and birthday parties making crafts together. Paperwhite Creations is our dream business and because we have a huge amount of support and love from our families and friends, we took a chance and made our dream come true! We find that homemade items are more personal and unique so with Paperwhite Creations, we make sure that all of our greeting cards, stationery, and gifts are handmade and designed by us.

Our hope for this blog is to inspire others to create, whether it’s through crafts, cooking/baking, or just in everyday life. We also hope to give you an insight to who we are and what we love, not only when it comes to crafts, but also in all aspects of our lives. We’re just ordinary girls and like anyone else out there, we enjoy movies, fashion, books, cooking, playing games, traveling, etc. and we hope that we can share our loves with you.


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