Thursday 28 February 2013

All about Samantha

Hi everybody! I’m Samantha, one half of Paperwhite Creations. I grew up in beautiful British Columbia and I am lucky enough to say that I still live here. I have a little brother, three pet birds, and a couple of really great parents who are so supportive and loving. I am a big fan of old movies, music of all sorts, cooking/baking, running, writing, reading, and inspirational quotes. I studied English and Film Studies at the University of Victoria and now I am a proud part owner of Paperwhite Creations. 

Writing is a great love of mine. Whenever I have a free moment you can find me with pen and paper writing. I keep a journal and every night I write about my day but also about what is happening in the world and how that affects me. Writing gives me hope, it gives me the confidence to express myself, and it lets me vent my frustrations at times too. When I hear a new word or an inspirational quote, I write it down right away in my note pad; I love quotes that inspire, give hope, and help to make you positive. As weird as it sounds, I like to help people through writing. If I can send a letter, message, or piece of advice to someone who needs it, I will because I find it so healing and personal.  

Another love of mine is movies, in particular classic films. I have the Turner Classic Film channel on almost all of the time. I love the old musicals with all of the singing and dancing, but I also enjoy the intense dramatic tear jerkers from way back when too. Montgomery Clift is my favorite classic film star and when I watch any of his films I become so mesmerized with his performances.

While in University I joined the Buddy Program and met people from all over the world. I made two amazing friends from the UK and recently visited them. Traveling is a new hobby of mine and I hope to see more of the world soon!

Crafting and creating have always been big passions of mine otherwise I wouldn’t be in this business, so getting to do it every day makes me feel so fortunate. Right now we are focusing largely on making cards and invitations for all occasions, but pretty soon we are going to add bath and beauty products to our list of items to sell. My excitement about the bath and beauty products is so great because of how we make them. I have a nut allergy, so at times it can be difficult to find products that I can use that only have a few ingredients. With our products, everything will be nut free with only a few natural ingredients which is important to me.

Owning your own business is a lot of work but such a rewarding experience. We have so many ideas and we are looking forward to sharing them with you as we grow and learn more about being businesses owners!


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