Thursday 26 September 2019

Goodbye to Summer

Sadly our Summer eyeshadow theme is coming to an end. We’ve had some very pretty shades that have inspired us and some fun and interesting posts. One of my favourites was the 7 Day Wknd one with all of the holiday and vacation destinations. There were some pretty cool places that I never would have thought of going before. It was definitely an inspiring one. There were so many fun crafts and yummy recipes that we tried out as well that were all inspired by our eyeshadow shade of the week!

Our very last shade today is called “Aloha Beaches” by Tarte. It’s a matte brownish red shade, very calm and a good transition colour into Fall. We’ve decided to share with you some Summertime photos that remind us of the warm sunny Summer that we just had. A kind of goodbye to Summer collage. Enjoy!

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