Thursday 1 August 2019

Sand Castle - Sand Crafts for All Ages

Happy first day of August! This week our shade is called “Sand Castle” and it’s a bronzy metallic one.

We of course are going to go with this sand castle theme and we are going to share with you how to create some sand castles in the comfort of your own home.

Take a look at some of the cool ideas that we found and revamped a bit...

1. The first idea we saw was really simple and so easy to create. All you need is a simple picture of a sand castle (you can find a colouring sheet online or you can draw a simple sand castle). Grab some dry sand and then put glue along the outline of the sand castle. Cover the glue with sand. Gently remove the excess sand.  If there are some other little objects on the sheet you can colour them or attach 3D pieces to it.

2. Another idea we saw was making a sand castle scene with sand paper. For this you would get a good sized piece of cardstock. Light blue might be good for the sky. Then you would cut out a sand castle from some light coloured sand paper. You can freehand the sand castle or find a design to trace online. The sand castle would be in a few pieces once cut out.

Now find some slightly darker sand paper and cut out a design that looks like sand on the beach for the bottom level of the paper.

Attach your sand castle decorated as you like. It’s ok if it’s sticking off your paper.

Now add whatever else you’d like (you can create these with punches, foam bits, or whatever else might be able to find and create with). Add whatever details you’d like as well. This one had a bucket, sea shells, shovel, sun but you can choose what you want. Also, you can decorate the background too by drawing on some clouds, birds, and some waves for the ocean.

3. This next one is simple for the young ones to make. Grab some tan paper. Cut out a bunch of shapes (rectangles, squares, and triangles are best to make more of) you can get the younger kids to safely try cutting out some shapes too.

Prepare on your own or with the help of your youngster a larger piece of tan cardstock (big enough for your shapes to fit on) and cover the top half with blue tissue paper. Lay out the sand castle and then glue it all down and display.

4. If you’re looking for a little bit more adventurous you can give this one a try. It’s more for an adult to create. It would be a perfect display to have at a party or even a wedding!

You’ll want to find some boxes. Think different shapes and sizes to make it look like a tiered wedding cake. Connect them all with masking tape.

Then connect tin cans (you might want two pairs of matching ones and a smaller one for the top) to the corner of the tiers with tape and on top of them attach a upside down single cup of an egg carton.

Now grab some Mod Podge and sponge it all over the “sand castle” and cover with sand. After putting on one layer tip off the excess and let it dry and then add on another layer to cover any gaps. Let it dry completely.

To decorate the sand castle, you can go and collect shells from the beach or create your own beach dollars or shells. You can also add rocks, glass, and other classic beach adornments to it as well.

5. The last sandy craft we found was a messy one but fun for kids. Get some white construction paper and on two separate sheets draw two separate sand castles. They don’t have to be the same. Then cut them out.

Take these outside and cover them with white glue. Then cover with sand. Place it in the sun so it can dry up.

Connect the ends together with a stapler so that you have a sand castle “pen” that you can play in or just look at, up to you!


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