Thursday 25 July 2019

Champagne Beach - DIY Glass Etching

This week is going to be a fun one! We picked a shade called “Champagne Beach” by Tarte and it’s a gold sparkly shade which I’d love to try out. So sparkly, so gorgeous! We are going to do something that we have never tried before and that’s glass etching.

Inspired by our shade of the week, we are going to try glass etching on champagne glasses.

Before even starting, we went on a field trip and bought some champagne glasses (we were surprised at how inexpensive they were and such good quality too). We also picked up a glass etching cream by Folk Art. You can buy some stencils (sticky ones are good for this) or you can do what we are doing and that is to make your own (we are doing this in a couple of different ways).

When we got home we thought up some designs for these glasses. We bought six of them so we are going to try out a variety of techniques and designs. We went with some more generic and Summery designs that can be enjoyed at any time but this would be a fun project for weddings and bridal showers as well. In our research we saw lots of initials etched, but that might be better with a bought stencil as nice lettering is harder to cut freehand like we are doing to make some of our stencils.

We printed a turtle and seashell on sticky label paper and cut them out like this...

Another way to put a design on a glass is by creating a design with masking tape or painter’s tape...

To make polka dots, we will use reinforcements on the glass.

As something different, we wanted to make the entire glass have that etched look and then make our design “clear” so we're punching out a couple of sizes of hearts (on sticky labels or paper) and scattering them on the glass.

Before even starting, please read the instructions on your glass etching kit/cream. Make sure you are in a well ventilated area and have on something to protect your clothing as well as rubber gloves and maybe even a mask. You don’t want to get this stuff on your skin so make sure you are careful.

First of all make sure you have a clean protected area to do your glass etching. Make sure the glasses are wiped with rubbing alcohol and then washed with warm soap and water.

Prepare your glasses by laying out the designs.

Now apply the glass etching cream to the areas on your glasses that you want. Remember not to apply the etching cream to any areas of your glass that you don’t want etched. Cover these areas and tape them off.

The etching cream that we used was quite runny and thin compared to the thicker ones that we saw on some video tutorials. We tried shaking it up but it still stayed very runny so we applied a couple layers.

The first layer was thinner so we patted it on and tried to make it as even as possible. Since it was so runny, we had to lay the glasses down as they were drying so that they didn’t drip. That didn’t work 100% for us though.

After the layers have dried (for the brand of cream we used, it was about 15 minutes from the last layer that we applied) you can run the glasses under room temperature water and wash off all of the etching cream. This will also help loosen the stencils and tape that you applied on. Make sure you wash the glasses really well before using them.

We were pretty much happy with how they turned out. Some of the etching cream must have run through our stencils or the stencils weren’t stuck down enough so you might want to try a vinyl peel and stick style stencil or just make sure the stickers are really stuck down. Or you might want to make sure that your etching cream is a thicker one.

Overall, our glass etching turned out quite well. At first we thought the etching was kind of light but after leaving them a couple of days, we can actually see it quite nicely on the glasses!

Thursday 18 July 2019

Single Serve Peach and Raspberry Sangria

Since we are now fully into Summer, we thought it’d be a perfect time to talk about a nice and refreshing drink...the Sangria. Our inspiration is this week’s chosen shade which is called “Sangria Sunset” by Fenty beauty and it’s a metallic magenta shade.

When we were thinking about Sangrias we thought about all the different varieties you can try out. We were used to the typical berry ones so we thought that a peach one might be yummy to try, but then we thought about different ways to make a Sangria as well. You can make a big pitcher of it and serve it to all of your guests, but what if you or only a few of you want some and what if you all want different flavours? So we decided that we would do single serve Sangrias.

For ours, we went with a peach raspberry flavour, but you can even set up a make it yourself single serving Sangria bar too. You can include different fruits, juices, pops, and wines so that each guest can make their own drink unique. The only thing is that you wouldn’t be able to let the Sangria sit in the fridge for hours getting all the flavours worked in.  

First we cut up some fresh juicy peaches and washed up some fresh raspberries. 

Everyone got their own glass and filled it with the fruit. 

To get some more of the flavours going, you can mush up the fruit a bit. Then you can pour in the wine (we used white) along with the bubbly element (7 UP is what we decided on). 

If you want to add some extra sweetness, you can add in some fruit juice (some people will do a simple syrup or just use some sugar). We used peach juice to make it even more peachier.

Here’s our finished Sangrias.

For some more inspiration check out these websites and their Sangria recipes... (non-alcoholic, apple, plum, orange)

Thursday 11 July 2019

Beach Day - DIY's and Survival Kit

Hopefully you are ready for a beach day because that is the focus of this week’s blog post. The colour we chose is again in the Tarte eyeshadow palette and it is called “Beach Therapy” and it is a matte peachy/sandy shade.

Our focus is getting you beach ready so we have some great crafts that you can take with you on your beach day as well as a must pack list of items to make you comfortable for your beach day.

Crafty DIY’s

Something that is so easy and great to take with you to the beach, are DIY decorated flip flops. All you need is a pair of plain flip flops (you choose the colour you like) and then you can find some little adornments that you can hot glue gun to them. You can do a sparkly jewel theme, a shell theme, or any other idea that you may come up with. You can just attach one big flower to each and spruce up the plain pair of flip flops just like that!

Take a look at this for inspiration...

Another cool idea we saw was this beach hat. The one in the link below is inspired by a watermelon but you can do any pattern or design that you like. You just need to find a big straw sun hat and some craft/fabric paint and then you can create whatever you like and it’ll keep you protected at the beach and be a fashion statement! You can also add some ribbon (by hot gluing) or other decorative elements (by hot gluing or sewing) if you like.

Something really cool that we found is a decorated cooler. Even your cooler should be stylish at the beach. For this one you’ll need a cooler, preferably a white one, and then you can paint it to a colour that you like and decorate it with vinyl pieces that you can cut out and make whatever shapes you want.

Here are a few more things that you can make for the beach (an umbrella, a cover up, and a towel) which take a bit more effort to make. These do require some more skill, haha, so if you are adventurous, then give these a go.

Beach Day Survival Kit

Ok, so now it’s time to look at the must have in your beach bag for a perfect beach day!

First Aid Kit (make sure you have band aids, alcohol swabs, after bite, antibiotic ointment/cream, allergy medicine, and a pain reliever)
Change of clothes and a towel
Aloe Gel
Beach Blanket
Beach Umbrella
Beach Chairs
Portable speaker
Hair Elastic/Brush
Card Games
A good book
Chapstick with SPF
Comfortable beach shoes (flip flops or sandals)
Sand Coasters
Sand Toys/Sand Castle Making Supplies
Sports Stuff (Frisbee, volleyball, baseball mitts, beach ball)
Rubber Dingy/Inflatable Toy or Boat
Towel Clips
Cool Drinks (juice boxes, pop, Gatorade, premade drinks in a bottle, water)
Snacks (fruits, veggies, cookies, chips, crackers, freezies if you have a good cooler)
Lunch/Dinner (sandwiches-egg salad is always a good cool one but any cold sandwich works such as cucumber, ham and cheese or roast beef, pasta salads are another great option, as are wraps, coleslaw, potato salad, bunwiches, cold fried chicken, green salad, and hot dogs)
Portable BBQ (if allowed)