Friday 4 August 2017

Yukon - Midnight Sun

This week...the Yukon!

Midnight Sun is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the Yukon each year. It occurs in the summer months and the sun stays out until midnight on some nights (usually around June 11-July1); toward the poles the midnight sun sticks around for more days. Around the summer solstice each year it stays light out for 24 hours! If you visit the Yukon during these days you’ll be able to stay out longer, see more sights, and go on more adventures.

Here are some midnight sun adventures that you can partake in:

The 24 Hours of Light Mountain Bike Festival which occurs during the midnight sun days each year. It’s the only 24 hour bike race where lights are not allowed.

The Midnight Sun Golf Tournament tees off at midnight and you play until the morning!

The 30 Mile Historic Yukon River Tour.

You could go on midnight hikes on many of the trails located in the Yukon.

Try camping during the midnight sun.
There’s even a two week road trip through the Yukon which lasts the duration of the midnight sun. On this tour you will explore the Klondike, Dawson, The Kluane Mountain Range, Miles Canyon, and the Southern Lakes.  

Here is a link to the Yukon Tourism website with many things that you can see and do in the Yukon during the midnight sun weeks or you can of course do them in at different times as well.

And take a look at some of the cool midnight sun photos that I found.

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