Friday 6 January 2017

Colour of the Year...Greenery

“A refreshing and revitalizing shade, Greenery is symbolic of new beginnings.” – Pantone

Happy 2017! This is the first post of the year and one of my most favourite posts that we do every year except for the Oscar Dress card which is my absolute favourite. Today is our colour of the year post. We are going to split it up over two weeks and post a bunch of things that we are loving in the colour of the year and next week we are going to create a craft with the colour of the year in the spotlight. 

Pantone has named Greenery (15-0343) as it 2017 colour of the year. I love the meaning behind the colour and what they say it represents. Greenery is such a fresh, organic, and basic colour. Looking back on the past few colours of the years, they have been very specific and bold. They were colours that you wouldn’t necessarily come across and were very trendy for that year. Green is everywhere. You see it in nature, in fashion, home décor, jewellery, food, you can find everywhere you look and that’s what will make this colour of the year easily incorporated to people’s lives. It’s such a versatile colour that you’re bound to come across it at some point. Take a look at the links below to the Pantone website and read a little more about Greenery and what it represents and also take a look at some of the things that we are liking in the shade of Greenery.



Home Décor

Home Design




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