Friday 22 April 2016

Wedding Day Makeup

This week we are going back to our wedding theme for the blog and we are doing a post on wedding day makeup. We have been practicing different looks on Nicole for her wedding day and we have come up with a very soft and natural look for her. I will be doing her makeup and hair on the big day so I want to practice lots to perfect the look so today we will share my step by step guide to this look that we have created for her. Enjoy!

If you like this look that we are about to do and you have a different skin tone than Nicole just use a shade darker or pick shades of the colours that I use that better suit you.

First off we gathered the supplies that we needed. 

Then we prepped the skin. So we cleansed, then used blotting paper to get rid of the excess shine and oil (Nicole has a problem with this when it comes to her eyes, I will explain further later on). Then after this we moisturized. Allow the moisturizer to set for about 3 minutes.

After moisturizing I primed her skin with a green primer which helps mask any redness. Priming the skin when you are wearing makeup all day for an event is good because it helps your makeup last longer. Allow the primer to set for another 3 minutes. 

I used a foundation brush to apply her foundation next. Make sure you blend, blend, blend! If you have any red marks or blemishes then you’ll want to conceal now. I have a green one to use on Nicole because the green concealer will counteract the redness. Then set the foundation with a little bit of powder which helps hide the shine as well.

Next we focused on the eyes. Nicole has oily eyelids which is a bit of a problems because it causes the eye shadow to gather in the crease and spread funny after a short amount of time. We tried a NXY eyeshadow base today on one eye and then I used the green concealer on the other eye to see if we can figure out this problem. We have been trying different things and so far nothing has really worked.

After we let the primer and concealer set, I put on a light shade of eyeshadow all over the eyelid.

Then I put on a light shimmery pink layer.

After that in the crease I blended a matte chocolaty brown. Use a fluffy blending brush and blend like crazy into the crease. Once that is done use that light shade again and blend/smooth out the edges.

For the liner, I used a brown pencil that she had to outline and then I used the darkest brown shade in her palette and brushed that in over top. I smoothed and buffed that in with a smudge brush to soften the look.

Next I curled her eyelashes and put on black mascara on the top and clear on the bottom lashes. Remember to use waterproof because I’m sure there will be some tears on the wedding day.

Lips are next. I used a nude colour to outline her lips and then lightly filled in her lips with this shade. Over top of this I put on a pinky brown shiny lip shimmer and then over top of that we used a clear gloss to make things shiny.

Last but not least, blush! You just want to use a little bit on the cheeks and then on the nose and chin.

And there you have it, a soft bridal look.

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