Monday 21 December 2015

Painted Sleigh Ornaments

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

I really can’t believe that Christmas is a week away! I haven’t done any shopping and I am just really not understanding how Christmas came so fast this year, haha. Anyways, this week we are painting wooden sleigh ornaments for the Christmas tree. We bought flat wooden sleighs from the craft store but you can pick any shape and if you would like to paint something more 3D, then a ceramic ornament may be the way to go for you. 

What we didn’t do, but something that you should do, is to sand your wooden ornament before panting. We noticed that the paint spread thinly instead of absorbing, so sanding is definitely something that you want to do as prep before painting.

I had lots of paints in my craft box. There are lots of different colors that you can pick from at the craft store. You want to pick a paint that is suitable for ceramics and wood, so take a look at the label before you buy or paint. As I was saying, I have a lot of paints from craft projects that we have done in the past so I had a bunch of colors to choose from for our ornaments. Nicole went with the icy blues and silver and I went with the Christmas red and green and added in some gold. Down below we have some pictures to show some of our steps. It’s really pretty easy. Just pick some colors that you like and that go together and paint away. Make sure to let your layers dry before painting over them. Don’t forget to put something on the ornament so that you can hang it in the tree. We have some thin ribbon that we use to make cards so we’ve attached some of it to the back with the hot glue gun or you could try just using scotch tape if you don’t have a glue gun.

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