Friday 18 September 2015

Game and Matching Card

This past week was Nicole’s birthday and I was asked to make a card for her by someone who bought her a game and wanted the card to match. The game is called Patchwork. I played it for the first time and it is a lot of fun. At first I wanted the card to match the game exactly so I tried to find like pattern and colors to create the card. I have to admit I got a bit frustrated doing this so then I thought for a moment and realized that I was going about things all wrong. Instead I came up with an idea to make the card very Nicole like. I picked out patterns that I thought she would like and used her favorite color. In order to make the card I just cut a dark purple base to the size card that I wanted. I cut a bunch of the patterned paper into squares and just laid them out to look like a patchwork quilt. I moved things around until I got them how I wanted and then glued them all down added some ribbon and layers in accent colors and I had a card! In the end card turned out really cool and I was very pleased with it along with everyone else which made me happy happy happy. I’ve shared a couple pictures of the card below along with a picture of the game and a link to it. Enjoy.

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