Friday 28 August 2015

Lunchbox Notes

In keeping with the back to school theme, we’re going to talk about lunches today. As weird as it sounds, I can’t wait to have kids so that I can pack them lunches for school. I love the idea of coming up with snacks, things to have for lunch, and ideas for homemade baked special treats. The crafty writer side in me is also looking forward to writing little love and encouragement notes to pack in along with their lunch. I think I first heard of/saw this idea on a TV commercial and I thought it was the sweetest thing. For younger kids, school can be a little intimidating and even stressful, so getting a sweet or funny note from mom or dad is sure to brighten their day. I found a really cool website called The Kids Activity Blog and they have a bunch of templates and ideas that show you how to make these lunch notes. So take a look now, print off a few notes or get ideas for your own, and you’ll be ready for your kiddo’s first day of school!

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